WEDNESDAY 01/22/2020


PRE(best before main workout): POWER
POST(best as a finisher): BUTTS AND GUTS




Shoulder Warm Up
Pull Up Warm Up


AMRAP 12 Min
(As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 12 Min)

2 Wall Walks
6 Pull Ups
8 Dumbbell Push Press/Jerks

RX Men: 40# DBs
RX Women: 25# DBs

RX+ Men/Women: 3 Wall Walks / 9 Pull Ups  / 12 Jerks

RX+ Option: Use heavier dumbbells

Score: Total Number of Completed Rounds + any Additional Reps
Goal: 8 Rounds +

The hit the goal, you are shooting for 90 second rounds. Choose a load on the push press/jerks that you can maybe go unbroken the whole way but you will definitely need to use the jerk. Modify the other movements with the goal in mind!

Set up for wall walks in the bottom of a push up with feet against the wall. Walk your feet up the wall as you press to the top of a push up then back toward the wall. Keep your belly tight and do not overarch you back. Touch your chest to the wall then walk your hands out and feet down to the floor.

Don't slide or flop!

Modify by going only part of the way up or doing pike up on the box, push up + tap tap or even inchworms.

Pike up on the box starts in the top of a push up with toes on a box.  Keep your toes planted and walk your hands toward the box until you are in a 90° pike position at the top. Then, walk your hands back out.

For the pull ups you may do strict, kipping/butterfly or ring/trx row. You may also do a row with the bar in the rack OR do a bent over row if none of those other options are available. You may do banded pull ups but control the descent and be sure to avoid the bounce out of the bottom.

Whatever you choose make sure that you start all the way at the bottom and either get the chin over or pull the chest all the way up at the top!

For the push press hold a dumbbell in each hand at the shoulders.  Feet are between hip and shoulder width apart. Chest up.  Belly tight.  Dip keeping the heels down and allowing the knees to come forward.  Reach the hips back slightly but keep the chest lifted.

Stand up hard and fast.  Pop the dumbbells off of the shoulders and finish with a press straight to lock out.  Biceps by the ears.  Standing tall.  Locked out elbows.  Belly tight.

If you need to jerk, go for it. Once you extend your hips and pop the DBs up, rebend your knees as you extend your arms overhead to push yourself down under the load. Stand up all the way to complete the rep.



Pull Up Warm Up
Overhead Warm Up


AMRAP 12 Min
(As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 12 Min)

2 Wall Walks
6 Pull Ups
8 Barbell Push Press/Jerks

RX Men: 95#
RX Women: 65#

RX+ Men/Women: 3 Wall Walks / 9 Pull Ups  / 12 Jerks
RX+ Option: Use heavier weight

Score: Total Number of Completed Rounds + any Additional Reps
Goal: 8 Rounds +

The hit the goal, you are shooting for 90 second rounds. Choose a load on the push press/jerks that you can maybe go unbroken the whole way but you will definitely need to use the jerk. Modify the other movements with the goal in mind!

Set up for wall walks in the bottom of a push up with feet against the wall. Walk your feet up the wall as you press to the top of a push up then back toward the wall. Keep your belly tight and do not overarch you back. Touch your chest to the wall then walk your hands out and feet down to the floor.

Don't slide or flop!

Modify by going only part of the way up or doing pike up on the box or even inchworms.

Pike up on the box starts in the top of a push up with toes on a box.  Keep your toes planted and walk your hands toward the box until you are in a 90° pike position at the top. Then, walk your hands back out.

For the pull ups you may do strict, kipping/butterfly or ring/trx row. You may also do a row with the bar in the rack OR do a bent over row if none of those other options are available. You may do banded pull ups but control the descent and be sure to avoid the bounce out of the bottom.

Whatever you choose make sure that you start all the way at the bottom and either get the chin over or pull the chest all the way up at the top!

Set up for the push press with the bar on your shoulders and elbows high. Feet hip to shoulder width apart. Chest up, belly tight. Keep your heels down, let your knees track forward as you dip your hip.  Chest stays lifted. Stand up fast.  As the bar pops up off the shoulders, press straight up to lock out.

Finish standing tall, arms straight, biceps by the ears.  Squeeze your butt and keep your belly tight.

If you need to jerk, go for it. Once you extend your hips and pop the bar up off your shoulders, re-bend your knees as you extend your arms overhead to push yourself down under the load. Stand up all the way to complete the rep



Overhead Warm Up
Pull Up Warm Up


AMRAP 12 Min
(As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 12 Min)

20 Foot Handstand Walk
3 Bar/Ring Muscle Ups
8 Barbell Push Press/Jerks

RX Men: 95#
RX Women: 65#

RX+ Men: 115#+
RX+ Women: 75#+

Score: Total Number of Completed Rounds + any Additional Reps
Goal: 8 Rounds +

Have fun with this one guys!  You are shooting for 90 second rounds keeping in mind you will take time to transition between skills.

Choose a load that you think you'll be able to do 8 unbroken reps the whole way but you will need to utilize the jerk at some point.

You should be pretty proficient with handstand walking on its own before attempting to do it in a workout. You can work up to the longer distances by doing handstand shoulder taps or practicing walking specific, shorter distances. Maybe you break it up into 5 foot sections. Remember to always be pushing the floor away from you and to keep your belly tight!

A muscle up is a combination of a big pull up, a transition, and a dip.  Make sure you are proficient with pull ups and dips before attempting a muscle up in a workout.  You may modify with jumping, banded, foot assisted etc. versions to practice the transition from the pull up into the dip.

Set up for the push press with the bar on your shoulders and elbows high. Feet hip to shoulder width apart. Chest up, belly tight. Keep your heels down, let your knees track forward as you dip your hip.  Chest stays lifted. Stand up fast.  As the bar pops up off the shoulders, press straight up to lock out.

Finish standing tall, arms straight, biceps by the ears.  Squeeze your butt and keep your belly tight.

If you need to jerk, go for it. Once you extend your hips and pop the bar up off your shoulders, re-bend your knees as you extend your arms overhead to push yourself down under the load. Stand up all the way to complete the rep.


WALLWALKS - Please measure risk vs. reward when considering if you can/should perform this movement. If you are unable to maintain midline stability and proper breathing mechanics throughout the duration of the entire movement please sub: Inchworms, Box/Pike Walk outs, Shoulder Taps

PULL UPS - For managing the pressure of the core and pelvic floor during Early Pregnancy or later on in the Rebuilding stages of PP sub: strict pull ups or banded pull ups. To avoid any coning in the belly during 2nd/3rd Trimester or Rehab stage of PP, while hanging from the bar sub: Ring Rows, Bent Over Rows, Banded Lat Pull Downs, BIRTHFIT Banded Woodchop, Banded Lat Pull Downs, DB/KB Front Raises. Kipping Pull Ups should only be added back into the later stages of Rebuilding in PP once the rehab is complete and athlete shows proficiency in strict movements.

JERK/PRESS - Focus on proper alignment of your pelvis and spine. If you find yourself over extending in your back or coning in your belly sub less weight, Strict Press, Seated Strict Press, or even Front Raises.

INCHWORMS - If you notice any coning while performing Inchworms sub: BIRTHFIT bear crawls, BIRTHFIT Functional Progression 3, Overhead Plate Hold/March, DB Seated Press, Strict Press, Elevated Push Up, Floor Press, BIRTHFIT Dumbbell Windmill (Visit BIRTHFIT Youtube library for demos) UPRIGHT ROWS - Love this movement for Mamas! But if your belly is getting in the way of the high pull or row feel free to sub a KB Swing or Bent Over Row.

Guest User2020week04