Street Parking

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SOGO | Week 21

4 Rounds
(Not for Time)

15 Plate Tricep Extensions
10 Around the Worlds
15 Plate Tricep Extensions
10 Around the Worlds (other direction)

Rest 2-3 Min Between Rounds

Score - Weight Used for Plate ExtensionThe Plate Tricep Extension is just as it sounds.  Standing you will hold the plate over head and lower it by bending your elbows only behind your head.  Then by extending at the elbow press back up to lock out.  Keep your belly tight and biceps by your ears throughout.

If you don't have a plate or would prefer doing these with dumbbells - go for it!

For the Around the Worlds, start with the plate at your chest.  Keep the belly tight and elbows bent and basically make a big circle around and behind your head and back to your chest.  Keep the belly tight and butt squeezed.  Do all reps one direction and then on the second set you can go the other way.

These can also be done with a single KB or DB.  Even a medicine ball.



(As Many  Reps as Possible in 3 Min)
Close Grip Empty Barbell Curl
Every Time you Break:
10 Alt Hammer Curls

Hammer Curl Weight -

Men: 40# DBs
Women: 20# DBs

If you don't have a barbell to do the curls with - you may sub plate or single dumbbell curls.

Score:  Total Empty Barbell Curls ONLY.Blame Julian.

Also - Make sure that you start with a straight arm at the bottom each time and bring the curl all of the way up.

If you need to go lighter for the hammer curls - that is fine.

For those reps it's alternating arms - 10 total - or 5 per side.  Palm of hand is rotated in with the dumbbells at the sides.