Street Parking

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OLY | Week 21

Hang Power Clean (6 x 2)

Rest as needed between sets.  Add weight if technique is sound and lifts are successful.

These reps should be a "double" meaning you are not allowed to drop the bar between reps.

For the hang power cleans the barbell will start at the hip (top of the deadlift).  You will dip by allowing the chest to come forward slightly and bending the knees.  Keep the heels down and arms straight.  Think JUMP and SHRUG and then pull yourself under as the bar travels up the body to catch in a partial front squat with the bar on the shoulders and elbows high.  Make sure in the catch position that the heels are down and the knees are out.  You do go DOWN but stay above parallel.  Do not allow your feet to land any wider than your squat stance.  Allow your grip to loosen slightly to get the elbows around fast and as high as possible!  Stand completely to finish each rep.

Lower back to the hip to initiate rep 2.   You can feed the lower into the next clean OR what you will probably need to do once its heavy - lower - re-set - then dip again.

Make sure to check up some of the barbell warm up options in the members only section of the website!

For Time
20 Power Cleans with 70-80% of your last successful double from part 1
Score is time - list weight in comments.

This movement is the same as the "HANG" power clean except you will pull each rep from the floor.

The bar will start on the ground.  Your feet are under your hips.  Heels down.  Bar close to the body.  Knees bent, but hips higher than the knees.  Chest up.  Back flat.  Arms straight.  Use that hook grip! (Thumb around the bar - fingers around your thumb).

In a controlled pull - start to pull the bar off of the ground by raising the chest but also driving through the heels!  Keep the bar close to the body as you do this!

Once you get past the knees and about midway up the thigh, pick up speed!  Keep those heels down as you get the chest up and JUMP UP - not forward and shrug the shoulders with the arms still straight.  Keep the bar close as you pull the bar up the body with the elbows going high and outside  (like you are zipping up your jacket).  As you are pulling up - start to pull yourself down.

Since the weight will be heavy you wil allow the feet to move out slightly - to your squat stance.  As you pull under - you will shoot those elbows around and thorugh QUICKLY - allowing the bar to land in a solid position on the shoulder with a loose grip.  Butt reaches back and knees go out - as you catch in a partial front squat.

Stand completely to finish the rep.