10 Rounds

6 Push Up + Shoulder Taps
12 Air Squats

No weight needed today!

Score: Total Time
Goal: Under 16 Min

For the push up + shoulder taps. You will perform a push up keeping a solid body position - touching your chest and thighs at the bottom and coming to a lockout at the top. No snaking or sagging. After the push up you will bring your right hand to tap your left shoulder and then your left hand to tap your right shoulder. Repeat that whole sequence 6 times per round.

Your feet will be roughly shoulder width apart. You will reach the butt back and down with the weight in your heels. Keep your belly tight and chest up. Drive your knees out.

Maintaining a good position - get your butt lower than your knees. No plopping or rounding. If you are unable to get this low with the weight you have chosen - keeping good positions - lower the weight or ditch the weigh all together! We would rather have you go all of the way down than go heavy.

If you need to for injury or strength issues you may also choose to squat to a bit higher target - or use the assistance of a chair or the wall/pull up bar to help you maintain balance.

From the bottom position - dig your heels into the ground, drive your knees out, and your chest up as you stand fully.


PUSH UP RENEGADE ROW/ TAPS - If you notice coning in the plank position you may want to do an elevated (i.e.hands on box or bench) push up and renegade row. Or even sub a traditional DB Bent Over Row. If you are later in your pregnancy or in the rehab phase of postpartum you may want to train with intention and sub any of the BIRTHFIT Functional Progressions. You could also sub BIRTHFIT Dumbbell Windmill, BIRTHFIT Bandeed Woodchop, Overhead Plate Hold, Waiter Walks, or Farmer Carry/March, or landmine press.

MIranda Alcaraz2019week35