Street Parking

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SOGO 03/03/2019

Bye Bye Biceps

Part 1
4 Rounds
5-10 Pull Ups (unbroken) with Slow Negative
(may sub jump with slow lower for some or all)

Rest 1 Min

8-12 Reps Barbell Bicep Curls
(should not be able to do much more than 12 with chosen weight)

Rest 1 Min


Score is bicep curl weight but don't go crazy trying to get a good score.  It's just so you can log SOMETHING.If you need to do a jump up pull up with a slow lower - do no more than 5.  If you are able to do 10 with no assistance - go for it.

Either way pull ups need to be an unbroken set.

After a 1 min rest you will perform 8-12 bicep curls with the barbell loaded at a weight that will only allow you to do 12 or less.  If you get fatigued you can use the hip slightly on last few reps! (Cheat Curls)  However do NOT use the "bounce" at the bottom.  Come to a complete stop at the top and the bottom.

Bye Bye Biceps

Part 2
3 Rounds

8 - 12 Reps DB Hammer Curls (both arms at same time)
8 - 12 DB Reverse Curls (palms down - both arms same time)

May use same dumbbells throughout or may switch weights as needed.
Score is heaviest weight used.


Oh man - once again - go lighter than you think!  No amount of set rest between, but try to move pretty quickly through the 3 rounds for an extra fun pump.

Hammer curls are with the dumbbell turned perpendicular to the ground  - like you are giving someone a thumbs up.

Reverse curls are palms down - this is going to smoke the forearm as well.