OLY | WEEK 47 | 11/17/2019


Overhead Warm Up


Muscle Snatch + Overhead Squat (3 Muscle Snatch + 2 Overhead Squats)

Muscle Snatch + Overhead SquatThis should be thought of as a warm up + slowly adding weight to prep for the snatches in the main part of today's program.

For each of the 5 sets you will do 3 Muscle Snatch and 2 Overhead Squats. Start the first set with an empty bar. Focus on speed for the muscle snatch and stability for the squats. Only go up in weight if you can maintain both.

The Muscle Snatch focuses on a strong pull, fast and powerful hip, fast and powerful turnover to lockout overhead. There is no re-bend of the knees. It's ALL UP!!

Start with the bar on the ground with a wide grip. Heels are down. Knees are bent and pushed out. Chest up and belly tight. Arms are long and straight. Shoulders pulled back.

Pull the bar from the ground in a controlled way - pulling the bar back into the body. Drive through the heels as you lift the chest. Once past the knees - pick up speed and start to rotate the torso more upright - keeping the arms long and straight and heels down. Once you hit your "pockets" extend the hips FAST. Shrug. Pull the elbows high and outside to keep the bar close. Rotate the bar up and overhead as you press to lock out!

After 3 of those perform 3 overhead squats.

Bar starts overhead and over the middle of your body completley locked out with the armpits forward. (Press your pinkies into the bar). Belly tight. Chest up. Heels down.

Reach the butt back and down. Keep the bar over the middle of your foot - so think about pulling it back as your head/chest go forward a bit in the squat. Drive the knees out. Keep the belly tight and chest lifted. Keep the heels down. Keep pressing into the bar.

At the bottom, hips are lower than knees. Heels down. Knees out. Bar over the middle of the foot. Chest up. Arms locked. No collapsing.

Stand. Lead with the chest and the bar. Drive through the heels.

Snatch (EMOM 20: Min 1: 2 Snatch Pulls / Min 2: 1 Snatch)

Score: Heaviest successful snatch.

This will be performed as a 20 min EMOM with the first minute being 2 snatch pulls and the second minute being 1 full snatch. The goal here is to add weight each ROUND. To do this - pick your starting weight for the full snatch, then go up in weight for the snatch pulls based on the next snatch weight you want to do. Keep in mind this is 10 jumps so - make moderate jumps. If you hit your limit - just stay with a challenging weight. If you fail you can either try again for one more round or go back down.

For the full rep snatch you are basically combing the muscle snatch and overhead squat from part 1 today into one movement. The only difference here is that as you shrug on the pull you actually start to pull YOURSELF under the bar instead of the focus as much on pulling it up! You will land in the bottom of a solid overhead squat and stand to complete. If you are super new to this movement you can practice power snatches today OR do a power snatch into an overhead squat each time.

**Power means you land in a partial squat instead of a full squat. It’s a great way to learn a pull under while still working on overhead squat stability.

For the snatch pull it is basically just the first part of that snatch or muscle snatch. The pull from the ground through the shrug. Focus on keeping the heels down, bar close, and an explosive UP!