OLY | WEEK 01 | 12/29/2019


Overhead Warm Up


Behind the Neck Press + Behind the Neck Push Press (5 x 3 Behind the Neck Strict Press + 3 PP)

3 Reps of Each per Set5 x 6 means 5 sets of 3 behind the neck press + 3 behind the neck push press with a snatch/overhead squat grip.  This series is meant to be done as a warm up so stay light - start with an empty bar for the first set.

For the PRESS you will not use any drive from the hips and legs.  Squeeze the cheeks, tighten the belly, and press straight up.  Think about pressing the armpits forward and supporting the weight of the bar with your entire body underneath it.  Absorb with the legs when you lower back onto your back under control.

For the push press the bar will also be on the back.  Keep your chest up and belly tight as you perform a short dip by bending the knees and breaking at the hips.  Make sure on this dip that the weight stays in the heel of your foot and your chest/torso don't dip forward.  Stand up hard and fast and press to lock out - again keeping the belly tight, armpits forward, and using your whole body to support the load overhead.  Absorb with the knees when lowering.

Overhead Squat (8 x 2 (2 Reps Every 90 Seconds for 12 Min))

You may get the bar over your head however you need.  Push press, Push Jerk, or Split jerk from the back with a wide grip.

Get the feet into your squat stance and start the movement by setting your midline.  Belly tight chest up, pressing into the bar with armpits forward.

Then reach your butt back and down as your knees go OUT.  Keep the heels down!  Pull the bar back to keep it over the middle of your foot as you go down. Use a wide grip to give your shoulders more room! Drive into the bar. Keep pushing up! Try to keep the armpits facing forward. Keep the heels down and chest up throughout.

At the bottom again you will want to be in a solid overhead squat position, with the butt lower than the knees! Stand all of the way up at the top.

Behind the Neck Shoulder Press (3 x 8-12 reps)

From the back rack position - using no momentum built from the lower body - press the bar to a locked out position overhead.Choose a weight that you know you can get 8-12 reps with!  This will be the same movement as part 1 of todays workout - but feel free to add a little load if possible.