GYMNASTICS | WEEK 01 | 12/29/2019


Overhead Warm Up


10 Sets of 3-5 Strict or Banded Strict Pull Ups
Rest as Needed Between Sets


8 Rounds  (4 min total)
10 Seconds ON - 20 Seconds OFF -
Supine Chest to Rings/TRX Bands, Supine Chest to Bar in  Rack, or Band Pulled to Chest HOLD

Score isn't important - but you can put total number of pull ups for logging purposes.

For the first part you will choose a version of the strict pull up that you can get at least 3 reps at a time.  This can be unassisted or band assisted.  If necessary this can be a jump and slow lower (but don't do more than 3 per set if you choose this option).

Make sure you start with a completely locked out elbow and open shoulder at the bottom and pull your chin all of the way over the bar at the top.  Pull the elbows back and down.  Keep the body tight.

For the Chest to Bar, Ring, Band option you will be in a supine or semi supine position.  Supine = parallel to the ground.  The more parallel to the ground you are - the more difficult this is so find an angle that works for you.

Pull your body all the way to touch the rings, trx bands, parallettes or a bar in a rack (see video).  You can also do a band or even like a lat pull down machine pulled down TOO your chest if you need to for this one.

Handstand Push Up Work:
4 x 8 Pike HSPU / Deficit Pike HSPU
3 x 10 Push Ups into 30 Second Plank Hold
4 x 1 Min Bar, DB, or Plate Overhead Hold

You can do this as a circuit or one part at a time - up to you.

Score doesn't really matter but you can enter weight you held overhead for your records.

Don't you dare underestimate the pike HSPU!  These are tough!

Make sure you are in the correct position with your hips over your head and your head and hands in a tripod (triangle) shape.  So when you lower your head it is not in line with your hands, but hands are slightly in front of your face.

Bend your knees if necessary or even do the pike FROM your knees if you need to.  It's NOT a deficit push up though.  Butt over head looking back at your bench or box.

If you are up for it - add a little deficit to this for an extra challenge.

Make sure elbows come forward and not out when they bend for this movement.  The same way they would if you were pressing a barbell.

For the next part you will do 10 (ideally unbroken) push ups right into a 30 second hold at the top of the push up on the last rep.  No sagging, snaking, or butt in the air.  Keep belly and butt tight!  Touch your chest at the bottom and lock out completely at the top.

Last part you will hold a plate, a single dumbbell with both hands, or a barbell overhead for 1 min - 4 sets.

Go lighter than you think and add weight if you feel like you can for later sets.

Keep the belly tight!  Squeeze belly and butt.  Bar or object over the top of your head.  Pressing UP with the back and shoulders, elbows locked!