TUESDAY 12/17/2019


POST(best as a finisher): BUTTS AND GUTS | SUNS OUT GUNS OUT
EITHER(can be warm up or finisher): GYMNASTICS
SWAP(skip the main workout and do one of these instead): SANDBAG




Full Body Simple Warm Up
Squat Warm Up
Pull Up Warm Up


10 Rounds

7 Dumbbell Thrusters
7 Toes to Bar / V - Ups

RX Men: 40# DBs
RX Women: 25# DBs

RX+ Men: 50# DBs
RX+ Women: 35# DBs

Score: Total Time
Goal: Under 15 Min

Choose a load on the thrusters that will allow you to go unbroken the whole way! If doing toes to bar, you might try breaking the reps into a couple smaller sets with super short breaks to give your grip a break.

For the thrusters the DBs will be on the shoulders with the elbows high. Feet under shoulders, heels down. You will reach the butt back and down and get to the bottom of the squat with the DBs on the shoulders and elbows high. Stand hard and fast to pop the DBs off of the body. Press the DBs straight up. Keep belly tight and finish locked out overhead - biceps by the ears.

Toes to bar starts with you hanging from the bar with hands slightly wider than shoulders, shoulders drawn down away from your ears and arms straight. Think about pushing the bar out in front of you so your shoulders travel back behind the bar as you raise your toes up to touch bar between your hands.

The other option is V-Ups, from a hollow position on the floor, raise your torso and legs up in the air at the same time so your hands touch your feet directly above your hips. Keep your legs straight and squeezed together tight!

For subs for the T2B you can use Knee-Ups, supine toe touches, or regular sit-ups.

For our mamas, try deadbugs or ball slams!



Full Body Simple Warm Up
Squat Warm Up
Pull Up Warm Up


10 Rounds

7 Barbell Thrusters
7 Toes to Bar / V - Ups

RX Men: 75#
RX Women: 55#

RX+ Men: 95-115#
RX+ Women: 65-75#

Score: Total Time
Goal: Under 15 Min

Choose a load on the thrusters that will allow you to go unbroken the whole way! If doing toes to bar, you might try breaking the reps into a couple smaller sets with super short breaks to give your grip a break.

For the thrusters the bar will be on the shoulders with the elbows high. Feet under shoulders, heels down. You will reach butt back and down and get to the bottom of the squat with the bar on the shoulders and keeping the elbows high. Stand hard and fast to pop the bar off of the body. Move the face out of the way and press the bar straight up. Keep belly tight and finish locked out overhead.

Toes to bar starts with you hanging from the bar with hands slightly wider than shoulders, shoulders drawn down away from your ears and arms straight. Think about pushing the bar out in front of you so your shoulders travel back behind the bar as you raise your toes up to touch bar between your hands.

The other option is V-Ups, from a hollow position on the floor, raise your torso and legs up in the air at the same time so your hands touch your feet directly above your hips. Keep your legs straight and squeezed together tight!

For subs for the T2B you can use Knee-Ups, supine toe touches, or regular sit-ups.

For our mamas, try deadbugs or ball slams!



Full Body Simple Warm Up
Squat Warm Up
Pull Up Warm Up


10 Rounds

7 Sandbag Thrusters
7 Toes to Bar / Supine Toe Touches

Ideal Sandbag Weights:
Men: 50-70#
Women: 25-45#

Score: Total Time
Goal: Under 15 Min

Choose a load on the thrusters that will allow you to go unbroken the whole way! If doing toes to bar, you might try breaking the reps into a couple smaller sets with super short breaks to give your grip a break.

For the thrusters the sandbag will be on the biceps with the elbows high. Feet under shoulders, heels down.

You can also do side to side thrusters, where you start with the bag on one shoulder.

Reach the butt back and down and get to the bottom of the squat with the sandbag on the biceps and keeping the elbows high. Stand hard and fast to pop the sandbag off of the body. Move the face out of the way and press the sandbag straight up. Keep belly tight and finish locked out overhead.

Toes to bar starts with you hanging from the bar with hands slightly wider than shoulders, shoulders drawn down away from your ears and arms straight. Think about pushing the bar out in front of you so your shoulders travel back behind the bar as you raise your toes up to touch bar between your hands.

The other option is supine toe touches. Lay on your back holding the bag straight up over your chest. Squeeze your legs together and raise them up until your shins touch the bag.

For subs for the T2B you can use Knee-Ups, V-Ups, or regular sit-ups.

For our mamas, try deadbugs or ball slams!


To focus on managing proper posture, breathing mechanics, core pressurization, and/or joint stability sub: Dumbbells instead of the barbell, Less wieght, Box/Target/Supported Sqaut + Press, Goblet or Air Squats

TOES TO BAR - This movement and it's scaled version of Knee Raises puts A LOT of pressure on the core and pelvic floor. Please consider risk vs.reward when deciding if this movement is right for you. If you feel confident with your core and pelvic floor health you can always try fewer reps to notice and manage any symptoms. You can also SUB: BIRTHFIT Functional Progressions (Choose any from 1-4), Ball Slams, KB Swings, Overhead Plate Hold/March, Palloff Press, BIRTHFIT Banded/Wallball Woodchop, Standing Cross Body Wallball Throws, Goblet Hold/Squat, or Waiter Walks.

SIT UPS - This movement puts A LOT of pressure on the core and pelvic floor. Please consider risk vs.reward when deciding if this movement is right for you. If you feel confident with your core and pelvic floor health you can always try fewer reps to notice and manage any symptoms. You can also SUB:BIRTHFIT Functional Progressions (see the Warm Up videos in the Member's Only website), Ball Slams, KB Swings, Palloff Press, BIRTHFIT Banded/Wallball Woodchop, Standing Cross Body Wallball Throws.

MIranda Alcaraz2019week51