BUTTS & GUTS | WEEK 51 | 12/15/2019


Not For Time
4 Rounds

10 Single Leg Deadlifts
(per leg - 10 on 1 and then 10 on the other)
20 Hollow Rocks
30 Russian KB Swings (Heavy)
40 Love Taps

Use a 53-70lb KB for Men
35-53 lb KB for Women

Put weight used on Single Leg deadlift as your score.Use opposite arm, opposite leg technique for single leg DL. Make sure there is SOME bend in the knee. Focus on keeping the back flat and heel down.

For the Hollow Rocks really use the abs to press the low back into the ground while lifting the hips and the shoulders. May bend one or both knees if necessary to keep back on the ground!

Focus on good hip drive and butt squeeze on KB Swings. KB only needs to go to about eye level. If you can find a pretty heavy KB or DB for this - that's awesome.

Love taps are called love taps because Julian and I did these on the first week we knew each other and I've called them that ever since. See video on IG and FB.


SINGLE LEG DEADLIFT - This can be such a great movement for mamas! Focus on good posture, breathing mechanics, and midline stability. If you're pregnant and balance is a struggle because of changes on center or gravity, feel free to sub Sumo Deadlifts!

HOLLOW ROCKS - If you notice any coning or are working on healing DR, you can try subbing BF Functional Progression 1(you can always spice it up by making it banded or weighted!), FP 4 Holds or Bear Crawls would also be great here! You can also do an overhead plate hold or farmer carry hold and focus on your posture and breathing mechanics.

KB SWING - If you notice and coning or pulling in the overhead position of the swing, sub shoulder height or eye level swings and focus on posture and breathing mechanics. If the shape of your body (preggo bellies!) is making the bottom position a little too tight for comfort, you can sub a single arm swing!

LOVE TAPS - This movement can put a lot of pressure on the core and the pelvic floor. If you are pregnant or in the rehab or rebuilding stages of postpartum you may want to sub BIRTHFIT Functional Progressions (Choose any from 1-4), Ball Slams, KB Swings, Overhead Plate Hold/March, Palloff Press, BIRTHFIT Banded/Wallball Woodchop, Standing Cross Body Wallball Throws, Goblet Hold/Squat, Waiter Walk. Check out the BIRTHFIT Youtube library for demos.