WEDNESDAY 11/20/2019


PRE (best before main workout): POWER | OLY
EITHER (can be warm up or finisher): GYMNASTICS




Full Body Simple Warm Up
Shoulder Warm Up


5 Rounds
20 Weighted Step Ups (Alternating)
10 Supine Rows
3 Wall Walks

RX Men: 40# DBs / 22-24" Box
RX Women: 25# DBs / 18-20" Box

RX+ Men/ Women: 15 Rows per round + 5 Wall Walks
RX+ Option: Heavier Step Ups

Score: Total Time
Goal: = 16 Min or Less

This one is all about keeping a neutral spine. So keep that belly tight!

For these step ups you can hold the dumbbells at your waist or on your shoulders. Make sure you step up with your foot completely on the box. Drive out of the heel for each rep and avoid the knee caving in. Stand up all the way at the top of the box and make sure both feet are planted.

If you don't have something to step up onto, or if you are uncomfortable stepping up right now you can sub alternating lunges. Each lunge counts as one rep.

Make sure you choose a weight and a height that you are comfortable stepping up AND down.

If you did supine rows on Monday, switch to bent over rows. Set the bar in the rack low enough that you'll be at a challenging angle. Ideally feet are on a box so your body is parallel to the ground, you should have to break these up!

Position yourself under the bar with arms straight, shoulders slightly behind the bar. Keep a rigid body position with knees, hips and shoulders in a straight line. Pull your body up to make chest contact with the bar and lower back to straight arms.

Set up for wall walks in the bottom of a push up with feet against the wall. Walk your feet up the wall as you press to the top of a push up then back toward the wall. Keep your belly tight and do not overarch you back. Touch your chest to the wall then walk your hands out and feet down to the floor.

Don't slide or flop!

Modify by going only part of the way up or doing pike up on the box or even inchworms.

Pike up on the box starts in the top of a push up with toes on a box. Keep your toes planted and walk your hands toward the box until you are in a 90° pike position at the top. Then, walk your hands back out.



Full Body Simple Warm Up
Shoulder Warm Up


5 Rounds
20 Weighted Front Rack Step Ups (Alternating)
10 Supine Rows (Ring or Bar in Rack)
3 Wall Walks

RX Men: 75# Step Ups / 22-24" Box
RX Women: 55# Step Ups / 18-20" Box

RX+ Men/ Women: 15 Rows per round + 5 Wall Walks
RX+ Option: Heavier Step Ups

Score: Total Time
Goal: = 16 Min or Less

This one is all about keeping a neutral spine. So keep that belly tight!

For the barbell front rack step ups you will have the bar on the front of the shoulders with the belly tight and elbows up.

Step your whole foot onto the box. Drive through the heel of the box planted foot and step your other foot on to the box. Keep your belly tight and chest up. Stand all the way up on the box. If you don't have a box you may do this on a bench or something similar. You could even do this on something like a chair (a sturdy chair). Make sure you choose a weight and a height that you are comfortable stepping up AND down.

Feel free to lower the height of the step up to something challenging but manageable for you!

If you don't have something to step up onto, or if you are uncomfortable stepping up right now you can sub alternating lunges. Each lunge counts as one rep.

If you did supine rows on Monday, switch to bent over rows. Set the bar in the rack low enough that you'll be at a challenging angle. Ideally feet are on a box so your body is parallel to the ground, you should have to break these up!

Position yourself under the bar with arms straight, shoulders slightly behind the bar. Keep a rigid body position with knees, hips and shoulders in a straight line. Pull your body up to make chest contact with the bar and lower back to straight arms.

Set up for wall walks in the bottom of a push up with feet against the wall. Walk your feet up the wall as you press to the top of a push up then back toward the wall. Keep your belly tight and do not overarch your back. Touch your chest to the wall then walk your hands out and feet down to the floor.

Don't slide or flop!

Modify by going only part way up or doing pike up on the box or even inchworms.

Pike up on the box starts in the top of a push up with toes on a box. Keep your toes planted and walk your hands toward the box until you are in a 90° pike position at the top. Walk it back to plank.



Full Body Simple Warm Up
Shoulder Warm Up


5 Rounds
20 Sandbag Step Ups (Alternating)
10 Bent Over Sandbag Slams
3 Wall Walks

RX Men: 75# Step Ups
RX Women: 55# Step Ups

RX+ Men/ Women: 15 Bent Over Sandbag Slams + 5 Wall Walks

Score: Total Time
Goal: = 16 Min or Less

This one is all about keeping a neutral spine. So keep that belly tight!

For the sandbag step-ups. Choose a box that is roughly 22-24"" for men and 18-20"" for women. You can clean the bag to the front rack, or pop over the head and use the back rack. You can also clean the sandbag to either shoulder and perform your step-ups this way. Facing the box you will step up with one leg, with the whole foot on the box and drive through you heel! Stand all the way up onto the box, then back down, alternate legs each rep.

If you don't have something to step up onto, or if you are uncomfortable stepping up right now you can sub alternating lunges. Each lunge counts as one rep.

For the bent over slams, set up with your feet shoulder with apart. Push your hips back, chest up slightly, belly tight and back is flat. Take a neutral grip or no-handle grip on the bag. You will maintain a hinged position as you pull the bag to your chest. Keep your belly tight as you aggressively extend your arms toward the floor and slam the bag back to the ground. The power comes from the speed at which you can push the bag away from you. So keep your base tight and think FAST with the arms.

Set up for wall walks in the bottom of a push up with feet against the wall. Walk your feet up the wall as you press to the top of a push up then back toward the wall. Keep your belly tight and do not overarch your back. Touch your chest to the wall then walk your hands out and feet down to the floor.

Don't slide or flop!

Modify by going only part way up or doing pike up on the box or even inchworms.

Pike up on the box starts in the top of a push up with toes on a box. Keep your toes planted and walk your hands toward the box until you are in a 90° pike position at the top. Walk it back to plank.


DB STEP UPS - If you have any pubic symphysis pain or SPD focus on keeping your pelvis neutral and your hips level. You could always do lighter weight, smaller or shorter step/less range of motion. You can also try stepping laterally onto a stack of plates or something instead of stepping forward and up, sometimes this helps create some control in managing the position of the pelvis. Option to sub: Single Leg Glute Bridge, Hip Thrusts, Air Squat, Goblet/DB Squat

WALLWALKS - Please measure risk vs. reward when considering if you can/should perform this movement. If you are unable to maintain midline stability and proper breathing mechanics throughout the duration of the entire movement please sub: Inchworms, Box/Pike Walk outs, Shoulder Taps

UPRIGHT ROW - For pregnant mamas with a growing belly taking up space, feel free to sub: Bent Over Row, Ring Row, Banded Lat Pull Down

MIranda Alcaraz2019week47