Street Parking

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12 Min EMOM
(Every Minute on the Minute for 12 Minutes)

7 KB Swings
Max Reps Burpees

RX Men: 50-55# KB / DB
RX Women: 30-35# KB / DB

RX+ Men and Women: 10 KB Swings Each Minute

Not necessary at all but if you think that you can handle a heavier KB at 120 reps of volume - go for it!

Score: Total number of Burpees ONLY

Goal: 80+ Burpees - can you get over 100?


Originally had this one at 10 swings for everyone but it lit me up - so I made it more realistic for you guys to get more time for burpees.

For this workout the weight you choose for the KB has to be something you can do without breaking.  Choose wisely!

The way this works is at GO - you will start by doing 7 swings.  Then you have the rest of the minute to do as many burpees as possible.  When the clock hits 1:00 - you once again do 7 swings.  Spend the rest of the minute doing burpees.  Do that for a total of 12 min!

For the swings you will hold the weight with both hands at the waist.  Feet are about shoulder width apart.  Heels are down.  Hinge forward at the hips and bend the knees slightly.  Keep the chest lifted and heels down.  Belly tight and arms straight.  Pull the weight back through the legs.  Stand up HARD and FAST to make the bell weightless and then (keeping the belly tight) guide the weight all of the way overhead!  Allow gravity to bring it back down and back between the legs.   Don't allow it to pull you forward.  Keep those heels down!

For the burpee you will place the hands on the ground.  Jump or step your feet back to the top of a push up.  Lower your chest and thighs to the ground.  Press up.  Jump or step your feet in.  Jump and clap.

You may scale to knee push up burpees, no push up burpees, or even elevated burpees.

Score is total number of burpees ONLY!