For Total Time - Including the 3 Min Rest

15 Lungesters (Reverse Lunge Right + Reverse Lunge Left + Thruster)
15 Bar Facing Burpees
12 Lungesters
12 Bar Facing Burpees
9 Lungesters
9 Bar Facing Burpees

Rest 3 Min

9 Lungesters
9 Bar Facing Burpees
12 Lungesters
12 Bar Facing Burpees
15 Lungesters
15 Bar Facing Burpees

RX Men: 75#
RX Women: 55#

RX + Men: 95#
RX + Women: 65#

Score: Total Time

Goal: New movement so we aren't 100% sure, BUT - under 20 seems legit.


For Total Time - Including the 3 Min Rest

15 Lungesters (Reverse Lunge Right + Reverse Lunge Left + Thruster)
15 DB Facing Burpees
12 Lungesters
12 DB Facing Burpees
9 Lungesters
9 DB Facing Burpees

Rest 3 Min

9 Lungesters
9 DB Facing Burpees
12 Lungesters
12 DB Facing Burpees
15 Lungesters
15 DB Facing Burpees

RX Men: 40# DBs
RX Women: 25# DBs

RX + Men: 50# DBs +
RX + Women: 35# DBs +

Score: Total Time

Goal: New movement so we aren't 100% sure, BUT - under 20 seems legit.


For the Sandbag option you will perform the movement just like the front squat with the bar - only holding the sandbag instead!

For Total Time - Including the 3 Min Rest

15 Lungesters (Reverse Lunge Right + Reverse Lunge Left + Thruster)
15 Sandbag Facing Burpees
12 Lungesters
12 Sandbag Facing Burpees
9 Lungesters
9 Sandbag Facing Burpees

Rest 3 Min

9 Lungesters
9 Sandbag Facing Burpees
12 Lungesters
12 Sandbag Facing Burpees
15 Lungesters
15 Sandbag Facing Burpees

No RX or RX + for this one - just use what you've got!  Make sure it's not so heavy that you are having to break a TON on this one though!

Score: Total Time

Goal: New movement so we aren't 100% sure, BUT - under 20 seems legit.

Welcome to the Lungester!  For this movement you will have the bar in the front rack position.  Bar is on the shoulders with the elbows high.  Because you will eventually need to press it, you will need to keep your fingers all underneath it, so loose grip KIND of - but still able to transition to the thruster.

You will do a reverse lunge with the right then step back forward.  Reverse lunge with the left.  Step back forward.  Then a thruster (front squat + push press).

For the lunges you will step BACKWARD.  Make sure you take a long enough step that the back stepping knee can kiss the ground while the front heel stays down.  Don't allow the front knee to cave in.  Drive off of the front heel to stand completely.

For the thruster you will have your feet shoulder width apart.  Heels are down.  Reach the butt back and down and drive the knees out.  Fight to keep the chest and elbows UP.  Keep the belly tight and do not allow any plopping or roundness in the back at the bottom.  Get the butt lower than the knees at the bottom.  Stand up hard and fast to pop the bar off of the shoulders.  Move the face out of the way, keep the belly tight and press to complete lockout with the bar over the middle of the body and the biceps by the ears.

Lower the bar back down to the shoulders and start the next rep with the lunges again.


For the bar facing burpees you will need to do the burpee portion facing the bar.  Get the chest and thighs to the ground.  Jump or step the feet in.  Then, facing the bar - jump over it.  Turn around and do the next rep on the other side.  Each burpee + jump = 1 rep.

Choose a weight for the Lungesters that you think you won't have to break much.  At least - you are not breaking because it is heavy - more because you are winded.  You shouldn't ever be in danger of failing a rep due to weight!

Have fun with this one!  And let us know what you think!

WODMIranda Alcaraz2018week37