Street Parking

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15 Min AMRAP
(As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 15 Min)

2 Inchworms
8 Alternating Step Ups
12 Plate Hops

No weight needed for this one!

Score: Total Completed Rounds and Reps

Goal: 8 Rounds +

For the inchworm you will place your hands on the ground in front of you.  Walk your hands out until you are at the top of the push up.  From here complete either a push up on the toes, or go to the knees and do a push up. Make sure you go all of the way down - chest and thighs touch the ground at the bottom.  Keep belly tight!  No sagging or snaking!  Then press back up and walk the hands back to the feet.  Stand completely.

If you need to take the push up out for prig belly or shoulder injury reasons - that is fine.

Each step up counts as one rep so you will do 4 per side but alternating.  Guys should be closer to 16-20" inches and girls around 12-16"!  Go lower on the step up if necessary for you!

Make sure for each rep you drive off of the heel and don't allow your knee to come in.  Stand all of the way up on the step then come down and switch feet.

For the plate hops you will jump on something lower than your step.  This can be 3" or 10-12" - up to you.  Find a height that you are comfortable actually hopping up onto.  We would rather have you actually jump off of both feet lower than have to sub this out!  So even if it's just a 10# plate or a text book - that's totally fine!

If you are unable to jump at this time and since this workout already has step ups - sub a Russian KB/DB Swing (to eye level only).