Street Parking

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5 Rounds  AMRAP
(As Many Reps as Possible Across 5 Rounds)
1 Min Taps
1 Min Max KB/DB Swings
1 Min Max Burpees

Idea weight for Men: 30-55# DB/KB
Idea weight for Women: 12-25# DB/KB

Score: Total Reps of KB Swings and Burpees added up!


For the taps you can also sub 1 min jog, row, or bike!  If you are doing taps you will place your KB or DB in front of you and in a soccer like jogging motion tap it with one toe and then the other.  Keep moving for the full minute!

The kb or dumbbell swings will be to eye level.  You will hold the weight with both hands and have it between the legs, at the waist.  Feet are roughly shoulder width apart.  Heels are down and arms will be long and straight.  Hinge at the hips and bend the knees slightly.  Allow the weight to swing back between the legs.  Keep the chest lifted.  Stand up hard and fast.  Allow the weight to swing away from you like you are going to throw it.  Use the power from the legs and hips to make the bell weightless and then guide it with the arms.  Get the weight to eye level.  Keep the belly tight.

As the weight is coming back down you want to keep the chest lifted and heels down.  Allow gravity to bring it back down and send you into the next rep.

For the burpees - pretty simple.  Place your hands on the ground - jump or step your feet back - get your chest and thighs to the ground - press up and jump or step your feet in - jump and clap.

If you are new to this movement or injured etc you may take out the push up or even do an elevated burpee!