Street Parking

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FRIDAY 11.9.18

10 Min AMRAP

Wall Balls


Every Time you Break - 5 Shoot Thrus

Time to figure out your strategy....

RX Men: 20#ish Ball
RX Women: 14#ish Ball

RX +: 150 Wall Balls - Every Time you Break 5 Shoot Thrus (no 10 min cap basically) (for your score enter 150 and put your time in comments)

Score: Total Wall Balls completed in 10 Min (shoot thru reps don't count)

Goal: 100 + Wall Balls



Every Minute Complete:

5 Shoot Thrus (There and Back)

Max Reps Thrusters

RX Men: 75#
RX Women: 55#

RX + Men: 95#
RX + Women: 65#

Score: Total Thrusters completed in 10 Min (shoot thru reps don't count)

Goal: 60 + Thrusters


10 Min AMRAP

Side to Side Sandbag Thrusters


Every Time you Break - 5 Shoot Thrus

Time to figure out your strategy....

NO RX for this one.  Use what you've got!

Score: Total Side to Side Sandbag Thrusters completed in 10 Min (shoot thru reps don't count)

Goal: 100 + Wall Balls



So the way this works is you have 10 min.  During that 10 min you will do as many wall balls as you can.  BUT any time you put the ball down at all - you have to do 5 shoot thrus.  A shoot thru rep is THERE and BACK.  ONLY wall ball reps count.  So you don't want to put the ball down too much.  Your goal will be big sets.  Take a breath before you pick it back up again after those shoot thrus.

For RX + you are doing 150 wall balls.  You ALSO have to do 5 shoot thrus every time you drop.  YOu have no 10 min time cap.  It's just as long as it takes.

For the wall ball you will hold the ball at the chest with the elbows tucked in.  Feet are shoulder width apart.  Heels are down. Lift the chest and tighten the belly.  Reach the butt back and down.  Keep the ball and the chest up, drive the knees out.  Get the butt lower than the knees at the bottom.  Heels are down and knees are out.  Stand up hard and fast driving through your heels.  Elevate the ball using that leg drive.  Finish with the throw with the arms.  Ideally your target is between 9-10'.

If you don't have a ball or if you have low cielings - you will drop the time to 8 min and sub light thrusters with a bar or light/even a single DB

For the shoot thrus you can use anything!  2 stacks of plates, 2 chairs, 2 coolers, 2 plyo boxes, one bench and one box, whatever!  YOu will start with one hand on both objects in the top of a push up position.  The higher the objects - the easier this movement will be (so find what challenges, but works for you).  Keep the arms locked and tuck the knees into the chest.  Come through to the front with the arms still locked and get the body into a straight position with the hips lifted and butt squeezed.  Tuck the knees again and come back to the starting position.  This is one rep.

You may sub an end of the bend crunch plus hip up (see demo video) or even v-ups / regular sit ups will work!  If you sub v-ups or sit ups you may want to raise the number to10