Street Parking

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10 Min AMRAP
10 Step Ups (alternating)
8 Ring Rows or Upright Rows

If you want to use a weight for step ups OR if you are doing the upright row:

Idea weight for Men: 35-55# DB or KB
Idea weight for Women: 12-25# DB or KB

Step ups should be roughly 12-20" depending on your comfort level and what you have available.  They may be weighted or unweighted.

(You can also use a set of light dumbbells that add up to that weight range if that works better with what you have)

Score: Total Completed Rounds + Any Additional Reps

Goal: 6+ Rounds

For this workout I gave you a couple of options.  If you want to try holding light dumbbells in each hand or a single dumbbell or KB at the chest for the step ups - that is totally fine.  It is also great if you just want to do them unweighted.  Make sure that whatever you choose allows you to keep moving and move safely.

For the step ups you will put your whole foot on whatever you are stepping on.  Make sure you don't allow the knee to cave in.  Press up off of the heel and stand up completely.  Lower to the ground and switch feet.  For each round you will do 10 reps alternating so that ends up being 5 per side.

If you have a way to do rows either on rings, trx bands, a bar in a rack, or the high parallettes - do that!  Remember where you place your feet can make the movement more or less difficult.  Find your sweet spot that challenges you and maybe makes it so you can't do 8 in a row - but definitely allows you to keep moving on this workout.

If you don't have a way to do rows you may use a weight to do upright rows.  Hold a single KB or DB in both hands.  Pull the shoulders back and down.  Using no momentum from the legs shrug the shoulders and pull the elbows high and outside to bring the weight up to about the clavicle.  Then lower back down.