When embarking on a journey to implement the Template as a framework for nutrition, it is common to experience feelings of being overwhelmed. Other thoughts like “this is too much food, how can I possibly lose weight?”, “this is so far from how I am currently eating, it feels like too much change”, enter people’s mind and cast a shadow of doubt on their ability to make ANY nutrition habit changes. This is extremely common - as a result, we recommend for those having these feelings that they follow a gradual ramp-up in nutrition habits, which we outline here.
In this blog post we will dive into the following progressions:
Targeting an overall level of daily amount of protein, along with fruits and vegetables.
Daily calorie target, in addition to #1
From the fluctuation in schedule, to not knowing when you will get your next meal in. It can be tough to manage or even know where to start. In this newsletter we will dive into some tips and tricks for navigating your nutrition in this line of work.
For some of you eating fruits and vegetables is a part of your everyday life. However, we know for a lot of you this isn’t something you incorporate often and can be a huge struggle. This could come from the way you were raised, what's available or maybe the fact that you just don’t like to eat them.
You might have heard that it’s important to consume enough protein to help maintain and/or build muscle. It's not that carbs and fats aren't essential, but overall the vast majority of people tend to under eat on protein and over-consume on carbs and fats.
One thing that can be overwhelming to people with respect to their nutrition is figuring out exactly WHAT to eat. Here we share some tips and tricks on how to build simple meals, which you're more likely to sustain your nutrition goals if you start with a simple meal plan.
At Street Parking our community is big fans of using the #BowlLife method when building meals. This is a method where you pick the foods you enjoy eating and combine them in a bowl for your meals. In this newsletter longtime OG Street Parking member Shanique Allen will dive into 5 ways to make your #BowlLife and meal prep super simple!
It’s super important that as you embark on making changes to your nutrition, you go in with eyes wide open that the changes you’ll attempt to make, especially if new or next level, will take time, patience and a whole lot of practice before they become the consistent habits you’re hoping for.
It is a simple fact of life that challenges, setbacks, and trials are inevitable. At some point throughout your journey, you can expect that something will happen that has the potential to throw you off course. While you can’t control when those situations arise, the one thing you have absolute control over is how you choose to respond to the challenges that do.
It can seem like our society is obsessed with losing the “baby weight”- how fast a new mom makes it happen and how she does it. It can really create a lot of pressure for women to return to their pre-pregnancy body size, even before they’re fully ready…
At Street Parking we are big fans of bulk meal prep for your meals during the week. We know busy schedules with life, work, family, and just trying to get in a Street Parking workout can be challenging at times. Putting in a little work in the kitchen 1-2 times a week can both simplify and set you up for success with your nutrition and help you to stay consistent in positive ways.