How To Attack Roadblock And Setbacks With Your Nutrition

We all encounter obstacles in the way of achieving our nutrition goals. Read on about how to attack them!


It is a simple fact of life that challenges, setbacks, and trials are inevitable. At some point throughout your journey, you can expect that something will happen that has the potential to throw you off course.

While you can’t control when those situations arise, the one thing you have absolute control over is how you choose to respond to the challenges that do.

Please note that you are totally within your right to feel all the things you want to in the face of these unwanted instances, but by choosing to move forward with deliberate action, you are taking control of the situation and creating the kind of resilience you need to find success.

So, how can you reclaim control when facing perceived setbacks? Read on to hear some helpful tips from longtime OG Street Parking member Shanique Allen.


Falling off track for a week or a few is not a sign of failure. It is a sign that life happens, and you now have the opportunity to adjust in a way that helps you move forward rather than give up.

This means that in any given situation, you have the opportunity to take your next best step and do the best that you can with what you have. So, start with your next meal or food decision, NOT next Monday where you’ll start from scratch or next month when you think things will be better, but the next moment that presents itself.

Missed a meal? Ok. Aim to get in the next one. Left your packed lunch at home? Not a big deal. Make the best/most out of the options you do have available and get right back on plan when you get home. 


Focus on mastering your process for improving your nutrition rather than the expectation of an outcome. 

This process not only allows you to figure out what works best for you and what doesn’t, it also enables you to handle potential setbacks that may occur.  For example, you don’t get distracted by the scale weight not changing and find joy in the journey as you celebrate getting better at doing the tasks that once felt difficult.

When you focus on your process of getting better at the basics and doing what works well for you, you’re able to create consistency no matter what, which done over a long-time yields results you can be proud of (and that will last).


Something is not nothing. In fact, it is everything.

Every single effort counts towards developing consistency in your habits because it all adds up. When you look at your efforts in this cumulative way, you are less likely to give up at the first sign of trouble, so in those moments when you run out of food, are unable to eat on plan or just didn’t plan very well, by doing the best you can however small, you give yourself the win you need to keep you going.


You know the saying “if you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far go together”. This is exactly what it means to have the Street Parking community in your pocket. 

So whatever challenge, setback or issue you might think is too hard to face, you have a built-in support network at your fingers ready to rally behind you in whatever way you need it the most. 

Whether that’s through meal and recipe ideas, accountability buddies, check-ins with one of the nutrition coaches, encouragement to ask for what you need at home, having support to lean on as you journey through this challenge or your new changes is a guaranteed way to ensure consistency.

Not only does it make you feel less alone, but it allows you to see what’s possible when you realize you aren’t in this alone nor do you have to go through it all by yourself.


When it comes to creating healthier nutrition habits, you will always be faced with making food decisions that help move you closer to this goal or further away from it. The former is in service to the future you who wants to have better nutrition habits, while the latter is in service to the present you who wants instant gratification now.

So, when faced with such decisions check in with the vision you have of yourself as the person with healthier eating habits. Ask if the decision you are making now is one your future self would make and if it isn’t, what is. The more you can do this, the greater the chances of staying the course when faced with things that can set you back.

Kailey Morter