TUESDAY SHIFT 09/14/2021



10 Min AMRAP (As Many Rounds and Reps As Possible in 10 Minutes)

16 Alternating Unweighted Lunges
10 Low Box Jump or Jump Overs

No weight needed today!

Score: Total # of Completed Rounds + Any Additional Reps

Goal: 4-6 Rounds

For this one, you'll rotate back and forth between 16 lunges and 10 jumps as many times as you can until 10 minutes are up!

The goal would be to finish a round every 1:45-2:30. Choose a customization that allows you to chip away at those 16 lunges at a steady rate without having to take more than 1-2 short breaks. We really want you guys to jump today, if it's safe for you to do so. Even if you jump over a line in the floor! Of course, if jumping isn't an option, you can perform low alternating step ups.

These should be unweighted and alternating. This means you end up doing 6 per leg per round. These may be forward stepping, reverse stepping, or walking lunges. Make sure you take a long enough step each time that the front heel stays down, with the knee out, when the back knee lightly touches (or comes close). Keep the chest up and drive through the heel to stand completely between reps.

If you are unable to lunge, you may swap out single-leg, alternating toe touches (like a single leg deadlift with no weight) - or alternating step ups.

Assisted Lunge
Step Ups

Choose a height that you are comfortable with. Make sure when you jump and when you land that the knees do not cave in! Stand all the way up on your plates or box. You may also sub step ups or lunges. Or, if you don't have something to jump ON - find something to jump OVER!

Lower Height
Low Alternating Step Ups

- OR -

You will stand facing the DB/KB and jump over it. Then you will turn around and jump back over the object. You can scale to a line if you are intimidated to go over something. You can also sub a little skip over.

If jumping or skipping is out of the question, you can perform a low, alternating step up.

KB/DB Skip Over


Farmer Carry

This can be a great movement for pregnant and postpartum Mamas. Focus on your posture, aligning your pelvis under your rib cage, and your breathing mechanics.


If you have any pubic symphysis pain or SPD focus on keeping your pelvis neutral and your hips level. You could always do lighter weight, smaller step/less range of motion, or step up or forward instead of step back in the lunge lunge.

You can also try stepping laterally onto a stack of plates or something instead of stepping back or up, sometimes this helps create some control in managing the position of the pelvis. Feel free to sub a squat or goblet squat for the lunges.

Box Jump

This is going to be all about managing the impact and pressure to your core and pelvic floor. If you feel any heaviness or pain in the pelvic floor or surrounding areas (i.e. tailbone, lower back, pubic symphysis) or if you notice symptoms like leaking pee, please consider adapting your approach or modifying the movement. The SHIFT options for smaller Jump/Skip Overs are good for helping you achieve the stimulus with a little less impact. You can ALWAYS substitute Step Ups if you want zero impact or even KB Swings if you want to get a little more explosive with your hips. For pregnant mamas, please remember that if you are unsure if you can complete the movement because of balance, strength, or coordination it may not be worth the risk of potentially falling or busting up your shins! For mamas further along in their Postpartum you can try a lower height of box to practice that two foot take off and landing without the extra impact. Focus on your breath and posture throughout the movement and do less reps if that helps you concentrate on good technique and awareness in your body.