FRIDAY SHIFT 11/27/2020



AMRAP 14 Min
(As Many Rounds and Reps As Possible in 14 Min)

7 DB/KB Deadlifts
14 Alternating, Unweighed Step Ups
7 TRX/Ring Rows

Suggested Weight Range Men: 20-40# Single DB/KB - or - pair of lighter dumbbells
Suggested Weight Range Women: 12-30# Single DB/KB - or - pair of lighter dumbbells

Score: Total # of Completed Rounds + Any Additional Reps

Goal: 6+ Rounds

For this one, you'll do 7 deadlifts, 14 step ups, then 7 rows as many times as you can until 14 minutes are up!

For the deadlifts you will either have a single KB/DB between the feet or a pair of lighter dumbbells on the outsides of the feet. Feet are under the hips. Heels are down. Hips and knees are bent. Arms are straight. Chest is up. Belly tight. Back flat! To lift the DB(s) drive your heels into the ground and lift your chest. Keep arms straight, chest up and belly tight as you stand all the way up at the top.

To lower - send your butt back. Keep your chest lifted and belly tight. Keep those heels down. Once the DB(s) goes below your knees, re-bend them and bring the DB(s) back to the starting position under control.

For the step ups, you will choose a height that will challenge you, but that you feel comfortable stepping up and down from. If possible, this should be at least 12"+.

Make sure to put your WHOLE foot on the step each time. Don't allow the knee to cave in. Drive out of the heel to stand completely. Lower under control and switch feet. For each set of 14 you will do 7 per leg.

For the TRX/ring rows, grab the handles or rings and lie back until your elbows lock out completely. Just remember that the more parallel your body is to the ground - the more difficult these become. You can step forward to make them more challenging or backward to make them more accessible. Keep the body rigid and belly tight - and pull all of the way to your chest at the top. Keep your elbows close to your sides and lock them all the way out at the bottom each time.


KB/DB DEADLIFT - If you’re pregnant and the shape of your belly is making reaching the floor difficult or if you're postpartum and managing core rehab through practice of proper posture, sub: Sumo Stance KB/DB Deadlift or elevate the DBs/KB so it’s not so low to the ground when you pick it up. If you are working on healing any pelvic floor dysfunction make sure you are able to breathe properly throughout the entire range of motion and that you are not bracing or bearing down.

BOX JUMP/JUMP/SKIP OVERS - This is going to be all about managing the impact and pressure to your core and pelvic floor. If you feel any heaviness or pain in the pelvic floor or surrounding areas (i.e. tailbone, lower back, pubic symphysis) or if you notice symptoms like leaking pee, please consider adapting your approach or modifying the movement. The SHIFT options for smaller Jump/Skip Overs are good for helping you achieve the stimulus with a little less impact. You can ALWAYS substitute Step Ups if you want zero impact or even KB Swings if you want to get a little more explosive with your hips. For pregnant mamas, please remember that if you are unsure if you can complete the movement because of balance, strength, or coordination it may not be worth the risk of potentially falling or busting up your shins! For mamas further along in their Postpartum you can try a lower height of box to practice that two foot take off and landing without the extra impact. Focus on your breath and posture throughout the movement and do less reps if that helps you concentrate on good technique and awareness in your body.

PULL UPS - For managing the pressure of the core and pelvic floor during Early Pregnancy or later on in the Rebuilding stages of PP sub: strict pull ups or banded pull ups. To avoid any coning in the belly during 2nd/3rd Trimester or Rehab stage of PP, while hanging from the bar sub: Ring Rows, Bent Over Rows, Banded Lat Pull Downs, Banded Woodchop, Banded Lat Pull Downs, DB/KB Front Raises. Kipping Pull Ups should only be added back into the later stages of Rebuilding in PP once the rehab is complete and athlete shows proficiency in strict movements.

STEP UPS - If you have any pubic symphysis pain or SPD focus on keeping your pelvis neutral and your hips level. You could always do smaller or shorter step/less range of motion. You can also try stepping laterally onto a stack of plates or something instead of stepping forward and up, sometimes this helps create some control in managing the position of the pelvis. Option to sub: Single Leg Glute Bridge, Hip Thrusts, Air Squat, Goblet/DB Squat