Street Parking

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SATURDAY 06/25/2022





7 Rounds

7 Goblet Atlas Lunges
7 (Right Arm) Single Arm Devil Press
7 (Left Arm) Single Arm Devil Press

Men: 40# DBs
Women: 25# DBs

Extra Challenge
Men: 50# DBs
Women: 35# DBs

Score: Total Time

Goal: 15:00-21:00

Coaches Notes

You're looking at each round taking 2:10-3:00 to be within the goal range.

Go with a weight for the goblet Atlas lunge that you can do unbroken for at the the first 3-4 rounds of the workout. Beyond that, you really shouldn't need to break more than once, if at all.

Don't be afraid to challenge yourself with the weight you choose for the single arm Devil Press since it is only one arm at a time. The goal time always takes priority, though, so if those 7 reps are taking you longer than 1 minute to complete, it may be worth lowering the weight to something you can move quicker with.

Head over to for Logging, Movement Demos, and Customizations!!!





7 Rounds

7 Sandbag Front Rack Lunges + Front Squat*
11 Sandbag Burpees

*1 Rep = Lunge Right + Lunge Left + Front Squat

Men: 50-70#
Women: 25-45#

Score: Total Time

Goal: 15:00-21:00

Coaches Notes

You're looking at each round taking 2:10-3:00 to be within the goal range.

Ideally, you'll go unbroken on the front rack lunges + squat for at least the first 3-4 rounds. If your bag is a bit heavier and you can't lessen the load, try breaking once from the start and doing your best to keep those 7 reps at or under 1 minute.

Find a smooth, steady pace on the sandbag burpees. There's no need to sprint through a few reps only to have to take a long break. Try to exhale at the bottom of the burpee and then again when the bag is overhead. If it's taking you longer than 1:30 to knock out those 11 reps, consider reducing the reps to something you can complete in that time.

Head over to for Logging, Movement Demos, and Customizations!!!





In teams of 2

Both partners working at the same time

7 Rounds

Partner 1: 7 Goblet Atlas Lunges
Partner 2: 7R then 7L Single Arm Devil Press


Partner 1: 7R then 7L Single Arm Devil Press
Partner 2: 7 Goblet Atlas Lunges

When both partner 1 and partner 2 have completed 7 Atlas Lunges and 7 Single Arm Devil Presses per side, that is one round.

Men: 40# DBs
Women: 25# DBs

Extra Challenge
Men: 50# DBs
Women: 35# DBs

Score: Total Time

Goal: 15:00-21:00

Coaches Notes

So for this one, Partner 1 will do 7 Atlas Lunges while Partner 2 performs 7 single arm devil presses on both sides. When both partners have done that, they'll switch. Partner 1 will do devil presses while Partner 2 does Atlas lunges. That's 1 round. Repeat 6 more times.

It's likely that the partner working on the Atlas Lunges will finish their reps a bit sooner than the partner doing Devil Press. That's OK. Just consider it a nice rest and get back to work once they're done.

Go with a weight for the goblet Atlas lunge that you can do unbroken for at the the first 3-4 rounds of the workout. Beyond that, you really shouldn't need to break more than once, if at all.

Don't be afraid to challenge yourself with the weight you choose for the single arm Devil Press since it is only one arm at a time. The goal time always takes priority, though, so if those 7 reps are taking you longer than 1 minute to complete, it may be worth lowering the weight to something you can move quicker with.


Lunge/Weighted Lunge

If you're managing pubic symphysis or SI joint pain try focus on keeping your pelvis neutral and your hips level. Adjusting how your breathe, your posture, and where you're holding tension in your body throughout the movement may help as well. If you feel like you need or want to customize further but still want to practice, you can try less reps, less range of motion, or stepping laterally onto something. Some other options for customizing are goblet squat, glute bridge, or split squats. Please visit the Mama Modifications Movement Library for more options and demonstrations.

DB/Back/Front/Goblet/Air Squat

If you're trying to manage the pressure on your core and pelvic floor, you can start by simply doing something different with the way you’re breathing or how you’re holding tension in your body throughout the movement. If you feel like you need or want to customize further you can minimize some the demand by shortening the range of motion, using a target, or holding on to something for assistance. Another option for customizing is a Box Squat which can be especially helpful for building posterior chain strength. Please visit the Mama Modifications Movement Library for more options and demonstrations.

Devil Press

If you feel a lot of pressure on your abdominal wall or pelvic floor in the plank position or hopping forward/back, you can step back/forward to a table top or low bear pose or skip the plank/push up. You can also use less weight. If you have to modify the movement too much you may want to sub KB Swings, Sled Push/Pull, Farmer Carry, Thrusters, Wall Balls or Ball Slams so that you can keep moving and keep the heart rate up!