FRIDAY 04/08/2022





16 Minute EMOM
(Every Minute on the Minute for 16 Minutes)

Minute 1: 14-18 Dumbbell Hang Power Cleans
Minute 2: 12-18 Alternating Dumbbell Shoulder Rack Lunges

Men: 40# DBs
Women: 25# DBs

Extra Challenge
Men: 50# DBs +
Women: 35# DBs +

Completion: Note weight used and reps completed each minute in comments!

Goal: Challenge yourself but complete all work each minute!

Coaches Notes

Challenge yourself with weight today. Go with something that you will have to break up into two sets but still have 15-20 seconds rest each minute.

Focus on getting tall on the hang power cleans. We want that good hip and leg extension to send the weight up rather than a lot of swinging action. Keep the weight close to your body on the way up and back down.

Elbows high is the name of the game on the lunges. The weight should remain basically over the hips throughout each rep. If you drop the elbows or look down, it will be much harder to keep your torso upright and more likely to light up the lower back.

Head over to for Logging, Movement Demos, and Customizations!!!





16 Minute EMOM
(Every Minute on the Minute for 16 Minutes)

Minute 1: 12-14 Barbell Hang Power Cleans
Minute 2: 10-14 Alternating Barbell Front Rack Lunges

Men: 95#
Women: 65#

Extra Challenge
Men: 115-135#
Women: 75-85#

Completion: Note weight used and reps completed each minute in comments!

Goal: Challenge yourself but complete all work each minute!

Coaches Notes

Challenge yourself with weight today. Go with something that you will have to break up into two sets but still have 15-20 seconds rest each minute.

Focus on getting tall on the hang power cleans. We want that good hip and leg extension to send the weight up rather than a lot of swinging action. Keep the weight close to your body on the way up and back down.

Elbows high is the name of the game on the lunges. The weight should remain basically over the hips throughout each rep. If you drop the elbows or look down, it will be much harder to keep your torso upright and more likely to light up the lower back.

Head over to for Logging, Movement Demos, and Customizations!!!





16 Minute EMOM
(Every Minute on the Minute for 16 Minutes)

Minute 1: 14-18 Sandbag Hang Power Cleans
Minute 2: 12-18 Alternating Sandbag Front Rack Lunges

Men: 50-70#
Women: 25-45#

Completion: Note weight used and reps completed each minute in comments!

Goal: Challenge yourself but complete all work each minute!

Coaches Notes

Challenge yourself today. Try to hold on to the bag for a few extra reps before breaking. You'll want to have 15-20 seconds to rest each minute.

Focus on getting tall on the hang power cleans. We want that good hip and leg extension to send the weight up rather than a lot of swinging action. Keep the weight close to your body on the way up and back down.

Elbows high is the name of the game on the lunges. Keep the bag resting on the biceps, upper arms parllel to the floor. If you drop the elbows or look down, it will be much harder to keep your torso upright and more likely to light up the lower back.

Head over to for Logging, Movement Demos, and Customizations!!!


Hang Clean

Having to move the barbell out and around your belly can add a lot of extra strain to the lower back, so we recommend using dumbbells instead during the later stages of pregnancy or as your belly grows and you're no longer able to keep the bar moving in a straight line.

Lunge/Weighted Lunge

If you're managing pubic symphysis or SI joint pain try focus on keeping your pelvis neutral and your hips level. Adjusting how your breathe, your posture, and where you're holding tension in your body throughout the movement may help as well. If you feel like you need or want to customize further but still want to practice, you can try less reps, less range of motion, or stepping laterally onto something. Some other options for customizing are goblet squat, glute bridge, or split squats. Please visit the Mama Modifications Movement Library for more options and demonstrations.