SATURDAY 03/05/2022





4 Rounds

Each Round is:

12 Dumbbell Bear Complex

Rest 1 Minute Between Rounds

Men: 40# DBs
Women: 25# DBs

Extra Challenge:
Men: 50# DBs
Women: 35# DBs

Fastest Round
Slowest Round

Goal: 1:10 - 2:30

Coaches Notes

Yep - "just" 12 bear complex reps each round. We're scoring both your fastest and your slowest round, which means we want you to push the pace from the start. Challenge your capacity to hang onto the dumbbells. You'll likely need to take breaks as the rounds progress, but let today be a test of your ability to go as close to unbroken as possible while moving safely.

With that being said, there's room for breaks in the goal range so if you feel your form is breaking down or you're moving poorly, take a few deep breaths before getting back to work. As long as you are getting at least 5 reps within a minute, you're on track. If you're getting more than 8 reps within a minute, try going heavier - if that's an option for you! If not, just keep crushing it.

Head over to for Logging, Movement Demos, and Customizations!!!





4 Rounds

Each Round is:

12 Barbell Bear Complex

Rest 1 Minute Between Rounds

Men: 75-95#
Women: 55-65#

Extra Challenge:
Men: 115-135#
Women: 75-85#

Fastest Round
Slowest Round

Goal: 1:30 - 3:00

Coaches Notes

Yep - "just" 12 bear complex reps each round. We're scoring both your fastest and your slowest round, which means we want you to push the pace from the start. Challenge your capacity to hang onto the barbell. You'll likely need to take breaks as the rounds progress, but let today be a test of your ability to go as close to unbroken as possible while moving safely.

With that being said, there's room for breaks in the goal range so if you feel your form is breaking down or you're moving poorly, take a few deep breaths before getting back to work. As long as you are getting at least 3 reps within a minute, you're on track. If you're getting more than 7 reps within a minute, try going heavier - if that's an option for you! If not, just keep crushing it.

Head over to for Logging, Movement Demos, and Customizations!!!





4 Rounds

Each Round is:

12 Sandbag Bear Complex

Rest 1 Minute Between Rounds

Men: 50-70# Sandbag
Women: 25-45# Sandbag

Extra Challenge:
Men/Women: 16 Reps Each Time

Fastest Round
Slowest Round

Goal: 1:10 - 2:30

Coaches Notes

Yep - "just" 12 bear complex reps each round. We're scoring both your fastest and your slowest round, which means we want you to push the pace from the start. Challenge your capacity to hang onto the sandbag. You'll likely need to take breaks as the rounds progress, but let today be a test of your ability to go as close to unbroken as possible while moving safely.

With that being said, there's room for breaks in the goal range so if you feel your form is breaking down or you're moving poorly, take a few deep breaths before getting back to work. As long as you are getting at least 5 reps within a minute, you're on track. If not, consider shaving off 1-2 reps per round so that you can finish in 2:30 or less.

Head over to for Logging, Movement Demos, and Customizations!!!





In Teams of 2 Complete

As Far as You Can Get in 15 Minutes:

1 Barbell Bear Complex (Each)
2 Barbell Bear Complex (Each)
3 Barbell Bear Complex (Each)

Keep adding 1 Bear Complex EACH every time it is your turn.

This is to be performed in I go - You go fashion. So partner 1 does 1 complex, then partner 2 goes. Then parter 1 does 2 complex, then partner 2 goes....and so on.

This workout can also be done with dumbbells or sandbag as seen in Programs A and C.

Men: 75-95#
Women: 55-65#

Extra Challenge:
Men: 115-135#
Women: 75-85#

Score: Final Round where BOTH partners completed all of the work + any additional reps (full complex) into the next round.

Goal: Finish the Round of 9-12 Reps EACH

Coaches Notes

Alright, guys. Between the two of you, you'll need to complete 6-10 reps within a minute to hit the goal - that's 3-5 reps per partner. Should be very doable considering you get to rest while your partner works.

Choose a weight that will be challenging to you but that you can do unbroken through the round of 7-8 reps. You'll likely need to take breaks as the rounds progress, but let today be a test of your ability to go as close to unbroken as possible while moving safely.


Bear Complex

You could try less weight, going from the hang position or starting with the dumbbells between your feet. During the mid to later stages of pregnancy, or as the belly grows, you may feel more comfortable switching from a barbell to dumbbells or a sandbag so that you don't have work around the belly quite as much. If you have a hard time maintaining control or a stable midline in the bottom of the squat or if you find yourself bearing down to complete the movement, try subbing a target or assisted squat to shorten the range of motion. A box squat is always a great idea especially during pregnancy to help strengthen the posterior chain and support the growing belly.