FRIDAY 12/24/2021





12 Days of Christmas Workout

Perform this workout just like the song!

1 Man Maker
2 Devil Press
3 Push Press
4 Thruster
5 Squat Clean
6 Plank Row (3 per arm)
7 Clean and Jerk
8 DB Farmer Lunges (Alternating)
9 Deadlift
10 Single Arm DB Snatch (Alt)
11 Weighted Sit Up
12 Devil Step Up

Suggested Weight
Men: 40# DBs
Women: 25# DBs

Extra Challenge:
Men: 50# DBs
Women: 35# DBs

Score: Total Time

Goal: This one takes a while! (25-40 Minutes)

SO again - the way this works...

You do 1 Man Maker.

Then you do 2 Devil Press and 1 Man Maker.

Then you do 3 Push Press, 2 Devil Press, and 1 Man Maker.

Then 4 Thruster, 3 Push Press, 2 Devil Press, 1 Man Maker.

Keep adding the next movement until you get through them all in that fashion.

See videos for all movement demos and choose the appropriate weight to move with good technique.

Don't worry so much about your time, have fun with it!!

Head over to for Logging, Movement Demos, and Customizations!!!





12 Days of Christmas Workout

Perform this workout just like the song!

1 Squat Clean Thruster
2 Squat Snatch (or sub)
3 Push Press
4 Thruster
5 Squat Clean
6 Bent Over Row
7 Clean and Jerk
8 Front Rack Lunges (Alternating)
9 Deadlifts
10 Power Snatch
11 Good Mornings
12 Bar Facing Burpees

Suggested Weight
Men: 75-95#
Women: 55-65#

Extra Challenge:
Men: 115#+
Women: 75#+

Score: Total Time

Goal: This one takes a while! (25-40 Minutes)

Ok so once again this goes just like the song -

1 Squat Clean Thruster

Then 2 Squat Snatch - 1 Squat Clean Thruster

Then 3 Push Press - 2 Squat Snatch - 1 Squat Clean Thruster

Then 4 Thruster, 3 Push Press, 2 Squat Snatch, 1 Squat Clean Thruster

Keep going until you get through them all!

Watch the video for all demos and choose an appropriate weight! This should be pretty light for you and not making you hit singles or anything close to that on any movement.

If you aren't ready for squat snatches go with overhead squats! If those aren't happening change that to a back squat.

Don't worry so much about your time, have fun with it!!

Head over to for Logging, Movement Demos, and Customizations!!!





12 Days of Christmas Workout

Perform this workout just like the song!

1 Sandbag Burpee+Squat Clean Thruster
2 Sandbag Burpee
3 Sandbag Push Press
4 Sandbag Thruster
5 Sandbag Squat Clean
6 Push Up + Drag
7 Sandbag Clean and Jerk
8 Sandbag Front Rack Lunges(Alternating)
9 Sandbag Deadlifts
10 Sandbag Ground to Overhead
11 Sandbag Sit Ups
12 Sandbag Hand-Plant Step Over

Suggested Weight
Men: 50-70#
Women: 25-45#

Score: Total Time

Goal: This one takes a while! (25-40 Minutes)

SO again - the way this works...

You do 1 Sandbag Burpee Squat Clean Thruster.

Then you do 2 Sandbag Burpees + 1 Sandbag Burpee Squat Clean Thruster.

Then you do 3 Sandbag Push Press + 2 Sandbag Burpees + 1 Sandbag Burpee Squat Clean Thruster.

Then 4 Sandbag Thrusters + 3 Sandbag Push Press + 2 Sandbag Burpees + 1 Sandbag Burpee Squat Clean Thruster.

Keep adding the next movement until you get through them all in that fashion!

See videos for all movement demos and choose the appropriate weight to move with good technique!!

Don't worry so much about your time, have fun with it!!

Head over to for Logging, Movement Demos, and Customizations!!!


Devil Press

If you feel a lot of pressure on your abdominal wall or pelvic floor in the plank position or hopping forward/back, you can step back/forward to a table top or low bear pose or skip the plank/push up. You can also use less weight. If you have to modify the movement too much you may want to sub KB Swings, Sled Push/Pull, Farmer Carry, Thrusters, Wall Balls or Ball Slams so that you can keep moving and keep the heart rate up!

Man Makers

If you feel a lot of pressure on your abdominal wall or pelvic floor in the plank position or hopping forward/back, you can step back/forward to a table top or low bear pose or skip the plank/push up/renegade row. If you have to modify the movement too much you may want to sub KB Swings, Sled Push/Pull, Farmer Carry, Thrusters, Wall Balls or Ball Slams so that you can keep moving and keep the heart rate up!


If you're trying to manage the pressure on your core and pelvic floor, you can start by simply doing something different with the way you’re breathing or how you’re holding tension in your body throughout the movement. If you feel like you need or want to customize further you can minimize some the demand by shortening the range of motion or using a target for your squats. Another option for customizing is separating the movement into a goblet squat and a strict press. Please visit the Mama Modifications Movement Library for more options and demonstrations.

Sit Up

If you’re trying to manage the pressure on your core and pelvic floor during this movement, you can start by simply doing something different with the way you’re breathing or how you’re holding tension in your body. If you feel like you need or want to customize further but still want to practice, you can try less reps, less range of motion, banded or foot assisted. Some other options for customizing are Functional Progression 1, DB Windmills, or KB Swings. Please visit the Mama Modifications Movement Library for more options and demonstrations.

Lunge/Weighted Lunge

If you're managing pubic symphysis or SI joint pain try focus on keeping your pelvis neutral and your hips level. Adjusting how your breathe, your posture, and where you're holding tension in your body throughout the movement may help as well. If you feel like you need or want to customize further but still want to practice, you can try less reps, less range of motion, or stepping laterally onto something. Some other options for customizing are goblet squat, glute bridge, or split squats. Please visit the Mama Modifications Movement Library for more options and demonstrations.

KB/DB Deadlift

If getting into or holding the set up position is uncomfortable or causes too much added strain on your abdominal wall, feel free to shorten the range of motion by elevating your DB or KBs off the ground, using a Sumo Stance, or customizing with a Good Morning or Romanian Deadlift. If you're trying to manage the pressure on your pelvic floor, try adjusting your breath, posture, and tension strategies throughout the movement. Please visit the Mama Modifications Movement Library for more options and demonstrations.