SUNS OUT GUNS OUT | WEEK 29 | 07/11/2021


Street Parking Suns Out Guns Out is posted once a week - on Sunday. These workouts are great for those interested in adding in more work building strength and stamina through more isolation type movements in the upper body.

We typically suggest these workouts be added in as more of a "finisher" after the main workout that day. They can also easily be added to many of the Power, Oly, or Butts and Guts workout - to make a session all its own!

Add this in wherever makes sense for your schedule - and make sure to check out the daily write up for A, B, and C to see where these workouts fit in best each week!




3 Sets

10-15 Pull Ups
10-15 Shoulder Press

Rest 1 Minute before Part 2

We want you guys doing strict reps for both the pull ups and presses. Customize to a banded pull up or ring / bar in rack row if you need to. You can use a barbell or dumbbells for the presses.

Keep your whole body engaged and avoid using any momentum or swing. Grip the bar slightly wider than shoulder width and draw your shoulders down away from your ears. Arms should be completely straight. Squeeze your belly, your butt and your legs to create a tight position. Pull your body up until your chin is above the bar. Lower with control until arms are straight.

Start with the bar on your shoulders, a full grip with elbows in front. Feet are hip to shoulder width apart. Squeeze your butt, your quads and your belly. Keep your chest up, ribcage down. Press the bar straight up. Pull your face out of the way to clear a path. Finish with arms locked out overhead, biceps by the ears.

To lower, move your face out of the way, keep your elbows in front of the bar and lower with control back to the shoulders.


3 Sets

15-20 Bent Over Rows
15-20 Push Ups

Rest 1 Minute before Part 3

Choose a weight for the bent over rows that allows you to stay super rigid. We don't want you guys jerking up through the chest or using your hips to get these reps done. On the push ups, we want at least15 unbroken reps so feel free to customize to knee or elevated push ups!

Set up by deadlifting the bar to just below the knee. From here, keeping the torso position set and the chest lifted - pull the elbows back and bring the bar to just below the chest. Do not allow your shoulders to shrug. Keep them drawn down and away from the ears Keep the belly tight. Bring the bar back to just below the knee with the arm straight at the bottom. No kipping or pulling your CHEST down!

We want to see a rigid body position with shoulders above or beyond the wrists and hands just wider than shoulder width. Squeeze your butt, your thighs and your belly. No sagging hips or snaking.

Keep your elbows within 45 degrees to the body as you lower your chest and thighs to make contact with the floor. Stay engaged. Press back up to the the top until arms are totally straight. Use one of the customizations below in order to maintain that strong plank position in your body throughout the movement.


3 Sets

10-15 Upright Rows
10-15 Dips

The upright rows should be super light. Move nice and slow to make sure your shoulders stay in a good position. For the dips, choose a variation that allows you to do 10 unbroken. You can do rings, parallel bars, parallettes, banded, toe assisted, or between two boxes.

The upright rows are performed standing up straight holding dumbbells or a barbell with a close grip (less than shoulder width) at your waist. Pull the load in a straight vertical line to just below your collarbone. Elbows should stay above the load and go wide as you lift.

Start at the top of the rings (or stationary bar) with your elbows fully locked out, palms turned forward slightly, and shoulders pressed away from the ears. Lower your torso down, keeping your elbows back and tight to your sides. Make sure your shoulder is lower than your elbow at the bottom. Then press into the rings, keeping them close to your sides. Lock out fully at the top.