ENDURANCE | WEEK 28 | 07/04/2021


Street Parking Endurance is posted once a week, on Sunday. It is meant for anyone looking to build a bigger engine through extra work on the rower, bike or running. Add this in wherever makes sense for your schedule.

For the most part we recommend doing the Endurance workout as a stand alone workout in its own session or even its own day. You know your fitness and recovery level - but that is our general suggestion.




Run Version:

Every 5 min for 3 Rounds: (0-5, 5-10, 10-15)
Run 600 Meters

Every 4 Min for 3 Rounds: (15-19, 19-23, 23-27)
Run 400 Meters

Every 3 Min for 3 Rounds: (27-30, 30-33, 33-36)
Run 300 Meters

Every 2 Min for 3 Rounds: (36-38, 38-40, 40-42)
Run 200 Meters

Rest 2 Min (42-44)

Sprint 200 Meters

Rest 3 Min

Sprint 300 Meters

Rest 4 Min

Sprint 400 Meters

Your score is total time from start to finish, including all rest periods. If you want, you can put your intervals and sprint times in the notes!

The first runs should all be hard, but consistent numbers.

The rest is pretty long so don't be afraid to push each one a bit.

Last 3 sprints should be all out!

Run Version (no measured distance):

3 Rounds:
Run 3 Min
Rest 2 Min

3 Rounds:
Run 2 Min
Rest 2 Min

3 Rounds:
Run 90 Seconds
Rest 90 Seconds

3 Rounds:
Run 1 Min
Rest 1 Min

Rest 2 Min

Sprint 45 Seconds

Rest 3 Min

Sprint 1 Min

Rest 4 Min

Sprint 90 Seconds

Your score is total distance accumulated if you have a watch or something to track it.

The first runs should all be hard, but consistent numbers. The rest is pretty long so don't be afraid to push each one a bit.

Last 3 sprints should be all out!


Every 5 min for 3 Rounds: (0-5, 5-10, 10-15)
Row 750 Meters

Every 4 Min for 3 Rounds: (15-19, 19-23, 23-27)
Row 500 Meters

Every 3 Min for 3 Rounds: (27-30, 30-33, 33-36)
Row 375 Meters

Every 2 Min for 3 Rounds: (36-38, 38-40, 40-42)
Row 250 Meters

Rest 2 Min (42-44)

Row Sprint 250 Meters

Rest 3 Min

Row Sprint 375 Meters

Rest 4 Min

Row Sprint 500 Meters

Your score is total time from start to finish, including all rest periods. If you want to, you can add your intervals and sprint times in the notes!

The first rows should all be hard, but consistent numbers.

The rest is pretty long so don't be afraid to push each one a bit.

Last 3 sprints should be all out!


Bike Version (Assault / Airdyne):

Every 5 min for 3 Rounds: (0-5, 5-10, 10-15)
45 Cal Men / 30 Cal Women

Every 4 Min for 3 Rounds: (15-19, 19-23, 23-27)
30 Cal Men, 20 Cal Women

Every 3 Min for 3 Rounds: (27-30, 30-33, 33-36)
23 Cal Men / 14 Cal Women

Every 2 Min for 3 Rounds: (36-38, 38-40, 40-42)
15 Cal Men / 10 Cal Women

Rest 2 Min (42-44)

Sprint 15 Cal Men / 10 Cal Women

Rest 3 Min

Sprint 23 Cal Men / 14 Cal Women

Rest 4 Min

Sprint 30 Cal Men / 20 Cal Women

Your score is total time from start to finish, including all rest periods. If you want to, you can add your intervals and sprint times in the notes!

The first rounds should all be hard, but consistent numbers.

The rest is pretty long so don't be afraid to push each one a bit.

Last 3 sprints should be all out!

Bike Version (Concept 2):

Every 5 min for 3 Rounds: (0-5, 5-10, 10-15)
Bike 1500 Meters

Every 4 Min for 3 Rounds: (15-19, 19-23, 23-27)
Bike 1000 Meters

Every 3 Min for 3 Rounds: (27-30, 30-33, 33-36)
Bike 750 Meters

Every 2 Min for 3 Rounds: (36-38, 38-40, 40-42)
Bike 500 Meters

Rest 2 Min (42-44)

Bike 500 Meters (HARD)

Rest 3 Min

Bike 750 Meters (HARD)

Rest 4 Min

Bike 1000 Meters (HARD)

Your score is total time from start to finish, including all rest periods. If you want, you can put your intervals and sprint times in the notes!

The first section should all be hard, but consistent numbers.

The rest is pretty long so don't be afraid to push each one a bit.

Last 3 sprints should be all out!