OLY | WEEK 27 | 06/27/2021


Street Parking OLY is posted once a week - on Sunday. These workouts are for those interested in adding in some additional work going heavy and working technique in the Olympic lifts. Add this in wherever makes sense for your schedule.

We typically suggest doing this workout BEFORE the regular programmed workout that day if doing both in one session. You can find suggestions on which days each week it will fit in best on the descriptions in Program A, B, and C on Wodify and the Members Only Website!



Power Clean

15 Minutes to Find a Heavy Touch and Go Double!

Score is heaviest set of 2 (must me touch and go - so no dropping between reps).

When you start the clock you will have 15 min to find as heavy as you can get for a set of 2. Warm up before and make sure you get in at least 6 or more heavyish lifts. Rest 1-2 minutes between your earlier, lighter attempts. Then rest 2-3 minutes your heavier attempts toward the end of the 15 minutes.

The bar will start on the ground. Hands are outside of the legs. Heels are down. There should be a slight bend in the knee and a hinge at the hips. Back is flat and chest is lifted. Arms are straight.

To lift the bar from the ground you will dig the heels into the ground and lift the chest. Pull the bar into the body keeping the arms straight. Once past the knees you will pick up speed. Keep the heels down and bring the chest to vertical as you jump STRAIGHT up! Shrug the shoulders and pull the bar UP the body by bringing the elbows high and outside. As the bar is going up pull YOURSELF down slightly and catch the bar in a partial front squat with the elbows high, heels down, knees out, and bar supported on the front of the shoulder. Stand to complete the rep!

(As Many Reps as Possible in 3 Minutes)

Power Cleans

70% of heaviest weight from the first part!

So whatever you got for your heavy touch and go double - find 70% of that and use it for this! You will have 3 Min on the clock to complete as many reps as possible of the Power Cleans.