ENDURANCE | WEEK 18 | 04/25/2021


Street Parking Endurance is posted once a week, on Sunday. It is meant for anyone looking to build a bigger engine through extra work on the rower, bike or running. Add this in wherever makes sense for your schedule.

For the most part we recommend doing the Endurance workout as a stand alone workout in its own session or even it's own day. You know your fitness and recovery level - but that is our general suggestion.




4 Rounds

Run 90 Seconds (0:00-1:30)
Rest 10 Seconds (1:30-1:40)
Run 90 Seconds (1:40-3:10)
Rest 10 Seconds (3:10-3:20)
Run 90 Seconds (3:20-4:50)
Rest 10 Seconds (4:50-5:00)
Run 90 Seconds (5:00-6:30)
REST 90 SECONDS (6:30-8:00)

Goal: Hold same distance for every 90 second interval throughout. We are learning how to pace!

Ok, so let's make sure you are reading this right.

It is 4 Rounds of 4 x 90 seconds run with 10 seconds rest between and 90 seconds rest between ROUNDS.

This means a total of 16 - 90 second intervals. Got it?

After every 4 sets of 90 seconds you rest 90 seconds instead of 10.

Whats the deal with 10 seconds rest anyway?

We are learning how to pace and feel where we are at! As mentioned above - goal for this workout is to travel the same distance for each 90 second interval without taking it "too easy" or dying off. Figure out what you are capable of holding!


4 Rounds

Row 90 Seconds (0:00-1:30)
Rest 10 Seconds (1:30-1:40)
Row 90 Seconds (1:40-3:10)
Rest 10 Seconds (3:10-3:20)
Row 90 Seconds (3:20-4:50)
Rest 10 Seconds (4:50-5:00)
Row 90 Seconds (5:00-6:30)
REST 90 SECONDS (6:30-8:00)

Goal: Hold same distance for every 90 second interval throughout. We are learning how to pace!

Ok, so let's make sure you are reading this right.

It is 4 Rounds of 4 x 90 seconds row with 10 seconds rest between and 90 seconds rest between ROUNDS.

This means a total of 16 - 90 second intervals. Got it?

After every 4 sets of 90 seconds you rest 90 seconds instead of 10.

Whats the deal with 10 seconds rest anyway?

We are learning how to pace and feel where we are at! As mentioned above - goal for this workout is to travel the same distance for each 90 second interval without taking it "too easy" or dying off. Figure out what you are capable of holding!


4 Rounds

Bike 90 Seconds (0:00-1:30)
Rest 10 Seconds (1:30-1:40)
Bike 90 Seconds (1:40-3:10)
Rest 10 Seconds (3:10-3:20)
Bike 90 Seconds (3:20-4:50)
Rest 10 Seconds (4:50-5:00)
Bike 90 Seconds (5:00-6:30)
REST 90 SECONDS (6:30-8:00)

Goal: Hold same calories for every 90 second interval throughout. We are learning how to pace!

Ok, so let's make sure you are reading this right.

It is 4 Rounds of 4 x 90 seconds bike with 10 seconds rest between and 90 seconds rest between ROUNDS.

This means a total of 16 - 90 second intervals. Got it?

After every 4 sets of 90 seconds you rest 90 seconds instead of 10.

Whats the deal with 10 seconds rest anyway?

We are learning how to pace and feel where we are at! As mentioned above - goal for this workout is to travel the same distance for each 90 second interval without taking it "too easy" or dying off. Figure out what you are capable of holding!