OLY | WEEK 08 | 02/14/2021


Street Parking OLY is posted once a week - on Sunday. These workouts are for those interested in adding in some additional work going heavy and working technique in the Olympic lifts. Add this in wherever makes sense for your schedule.

We typically suggest doing this workout BEFORE the regular programmed workout that day if doing both in one session. You can find suggestions on which days each week it will fit in best on the descriptions in Program A, B, and C on Wodify and the Members Only Website!


5 Sets

3 Position Clean (Building Lightly)

3 Positions =
High Hang
Hang (Just Above the Knee)

Full SQUAT Cleans!

Warm up loads focusing on form and solid movement!

These will all be squat clean but you will start from different positions with the bar.

The first one starts with the bar at mid thigh or above, so your torso will be more upright.

The hang clean starts with the bar just above the knee, so your torso will be tilted forward more and your hips shifted further back.

The last one is a full squat clean from the floor.

For all three, imagine you are jumping while holding the bar with straight arms. Aggressively extend your hips, knees, and ankles to generate vertical force on the bar.

Then shrug your shoulders, pull your elbows up and back, then rotate them around the bar to receive it on your shoulders in the bottom of a squat. Stand up all the way to complete the rep. When standing, keep your elbows high, upper arms parallel to the floor and lead with the chest as you stand.


Clean (8 x 1 (1 Rep Every 90 Seconds for 12 Min))

So the way this one works is you'll perform 1 clean (power or squat - your preference) at 0:00, then rest until 1:30. At that point you'll do another clean. Then rest until 3:00, so on and so forth until you've completed 8 sets of 1 rep.

Enter your heaviest successful lift for your score. All of these 8 reps should be "working" - which means warm up to a challenging, but doable, weight before you start the clock.

Go up or down in weight as you go - depending on how you are feeling and moving this day.

For the clean you will start with the bar on the ground. Hands will be outside the legs with about a hip width stance with the feet!

You will have a slight bend in the knee, heels down, arms straight, bar close to the body, chest up.

Stand keeping the arms long and bar close to the body. Drive through the heels and pick up speed after you pass the knees. Almost jump with the bar as you shrug the shoulders, and pull yourself underneath as the elbows shoot through and the bar lands on the shoulder. You will land in the bottom of the squat (if you're going for a full squat clean - if not, catch higher) with the elbows high. Knees are out, heels are down, chest is up. Do not collapse in this position.

To stand, lead with the chest and elbows. Stand fully for each rep.

Clean Pull (5 x 2)

Do these with the heaviest successful lift from the previous part of the workout!

A clean pull is the first pull off of the ground, plus the hip extension and jump and shrug portion of the clean. This teaches us to work on the powerful up portion of the movement.

For these reps you will do 5 sets of 2 clean pulls. Rest as needed between sets.

Really focus on good extension and a powerful up! Hold those good positions!