OLY | WEEK 07 | 02/07/2021


Street Parking OLY is posted once a week - on Sunday. These workouts are for those interested in adding in some additional work going heavy and working technique in the Olympic lifts. Add this in wherever makes sense for your schedule.

We typically suggest doing this workout BEFORE the regular programmed workout that day if doing both in one session. You can find suggestions on which days each week it will fit in best on the descriptions in Program A, B, and C on Wodify and the Members Only Website!

**These are to be done as a warm up with light weights. Adding a bit between sets.

5 Sets

3 Muscle Snatch
2 Behind the Neck Press
1 Overhead Squat

No Score. Just WARM UP!

The muscle snatch is all about the UP portion of the snatch! It will start with a controlled pull off the floor, followed by a powerful jump, shrug - and then pulling the bar up the body and punching to lock out. There is no pull under or re-bend of the knees on this movement.

The bar will start on the ground. You will use a wide/overhead squat grip. The feet are roughly hip-shoulder width apart with the weight in the heels. The knees are bent but hips are higher than the knees. Chest is over the bar. Arms are straight. Bar is close to the body. Back is flat.

Drive the heels into the ground as you start to lift the chest. The bar comes off the ground - keep it close to the body! Control this first pull.

Once the bar is past the knees you will pick up speed! Scoop the hips underneath a bit but keep the heels down. Think about finishing the up or JUMP with the arms still straight. Jump UP not forward.

Shrug the shoulders, and then start to pull the bar with the elbows - reaching them high and outside like a scarecrow to keep the bar close to the body.

Once you have pulled the bar as high as possible with the elbows high - you will turn the bar over and punch into it as you punch your head through. Lock out with the bar over the middle of your body. Belly is tight. Knees and hips are extended.

For the behind the neck press, keep the same grip as the muscle snatch. Bar is on your shoulders behind your head. Keep your belly tight as you press straight up until arms are straight.

Keep that overhead position after the last press and perform a squat. Hips will go back but keep your heels down and chest up. The bar should remain over your midfoot the entire time.

Snatch + 2 Overhead Squat (16 x 3 (THREE Reps Per Min on the Min for 16 Min))

Perform one full snatch. (From the ground to a full squat + stand). Then 2 additional Overhead Squats.

The 3 Reps = 1 Snatch + 2 Overhead Squats. That's it. Not 3 times through.

For the snatch, the bar will start on the ground. Your feet will be under your hips and your hands will be wide. Use that hook grip (thumb around bar - fingers around thumb). Make sure the heels are down, the knees are forward and slightly out, knees are bent with the hips slightly higher than the knees, chest up, arms straight, back flat, bar close.

You will pull the bar from the ground by driving the heels down, and chest up while pulling the bar in close to the body. Once past the knees you will pick up speed. Scoop your hips under slightly to allow you to jump straight UP with the bar (not forward). Keep the heels down and arms straight as LONG as possible. Shrug the shoulders and pull the elbows high and outside as you pull yourself DOWN either into a full overhead squat or into a partial overhead squat. Punch into the bar fast and hard to lock out.

In that catch position your feet will have moved out slightly. Land with the heels down, belly tight, armpits facing forward with the shoulder blades pulled IN. The bar should be over the middle of the body.

When you catch the bar overhead you should be in a full squat with your butt lower than the knees.

Drive your heels into the ground and your knees apart as you come to standing. Make sure to keep pressing up through the bar.

Then you'll do 2 overhead squats. Start by reaching your butt back and down as your knees go OUT. Keep the heels down! Pull the bar back to keep it over the middle of your foot as you go down. Drive into the bar. Keep pushing up! Try to keep the armpits facing forward. Keep the heels down and chest up throughout.

At the bottom again you will want to be in a solid overhead squat position, with the butt lower than the knees! Stand all of the way up at the top.