ENDURANCE | WEEK 05 | 01/24/2021


Street Parking Endurance is posted once a week, on Sunday. It is meant for anyone looking to build a bigger engine through extra work on the rower, bike or running. Add this in wherever makes sense for your schedule.

For the most part we recommend doing the Endurance workout as a stand alone workout in it's own session or even it's own day. You know your fitness and recovery level - but that is our general suggestion.


Run Version:

Running Warm Up


12 Min Run
- 4 Min Easy
- 4 Min Moderate
- 4 Min Hard

Rest 3 Min

9 Min Run
- 3 Min Easy
- 3 Min Moderate
- 3 Min HARD

Rest 2 Min

6 Min Run
- 2 Min Easy
- 2 Min Moderate
- 2 Min HARD

Rest 1 Min

3 Min Run
- 1 Min Easy
- 1 Min Moderate
- 1 Min HARD

Score: Total Distance if you are able to calculate it! If not just keep the appropriate paces and times.

Goal: Do NOT mess up the pacing trying to get a better score.

Each interval is its own separate event. Each interval is broken up into thirds (easy, moderate, hard). As an example, the 12min has a 4min easy run, 4min moderate run, 4min hard run. The pacing is reset after every interval. The key to this workout is the easy is EASY and the hard is HARD.

What this means is that HARD for 4 min is slower than HARD for 1 min, etc. Base it off of that level of effort in that given time domain.


Row Version:

12 Min Row
- 4 Min Easy
- 4 Min Moderate
- 4 Min Hard

Rest 3 Min

9 Min Row
- 3 Min Easy
- 3 Min Moderate
- 3 Min HARD

Rest 2 Min

6 Min Row
- 2 Min Easy
- 2 Min Moderate
- 2 Min HARD

Rest 1 Min

3 Min Row
- 1 Min Easy
- 1 Min Moderate
- 1 Min HARD

Score: Total Distance

Goal: Do NOT mess up the pacing trying to get a better score.

Each interval is its own separate event. Each interval is broken up into thirds (easy, moderate, hard). As example, the 12min has a 4min easy row, 4min moderate row, 4min hard row. The pacing is reset after every interval. The key to this workout is the easy is EASY and the hard is HARD.

What this means is that HARD for 4 min is slower than HARD for 1 min etc. Base it off of that level of effort in that given time domain.


Bike Version:

12 Min Bike
- 4 Min Easy
- 4 Min Moderate
- 4 Min Hard

Rest 3 Min

9 Min Bike
- 3 Min Easy
- 3 Min Moderate
- 3 Min HARD

Rest 2 Min

6 Min Bike
- 2 Min Easy
- 2 Min Moderate
- 2 Min HARD

Rest 1 Min

3 Min Bike
- 1 Min Easy
- 1 Min Moderate
- 1 Min HARD

Score: Total Calories

Goal: Do NOT mess up the pacing trying to get a better score.

Each interval is its own separate event. Each interval is broken up into thirds (easy, moderate, hard). As an example, the 12min has a 4min easy bike, 4min moderate bike, 4min hard bike. The pacing is reset after every interval. The key to this workout is the easy is EASY and the hard is HARD.

What this means is that HARD for 4 min is slower than HARD for 1 min etc. Base it off of that level of effort in that given time domain.