ENDURANCE | WEEK 02 | 01/03/2021


Street Parking Endurance is posted once a week, on Sunday. It is meant for anyone looking to build a bigger engine through extra work on the rower, bike or running. Add this in wherever makes sense for your schedule.

For the most part we recommend doing the Endurance workout as a stand alone workout in its own session or even its own day. You know your fitness and recovery level - but that is our general suggestion.


Running Version:

Running Warm Up


Running Version (if you have marked distances)

7 Rounds

Jog 200 Meters - Pretty Chill
300 Meters HARD
100 Meter Walk

No rest between rounds.

The 300 meters is HARD but can't be 100% because you need to go straight into the walk and then straight into the next round.

Running Version (not sure on distances)

7 Rounds

Jog 2 Min
1 Min HARD
1 Min Walk

No Rest between rounds.

The jog is moderate but chill. The HARD is HARD but not 100% because you need to be able to walk for 1 min and then go straight into next round.


Rowing Version:

7 Rounds

Row 250 Moderate/Chill Pace
Row 350 Meters HARD
Row 150 Meters SLOW

No rest between rounds.

The Moderate/chill pace needs to be different than the slow pace. Moderate/chill is faster.

Hard is hard, but can't be 100% because you will go into the slow row immediately and then immediately into the next round.


Bike Version:

7 Rounds

15 Cal Men / 10 Cal Women - Moderate Pace
20 Cal Men / 15 Cal Women
10 Cal Men / 7 Cal Women Slow

No rest between rounds.

Moderate pace and slow pace are different! Make sure you look at your monitor. Moderate should be faster than slow!!

Hard is hard but not 100% since you get no rest after!