SOGO | WEEK 51 | 12/13/2020


Street Parking Suns Out Guns Out is posted once a week - on Sunday. These workouts are great for those interested in adding in more work building strength and stamina through more isolation type movements in the upper body.

We typically suggest these workouts be added in as more of a "finisher" after the main workout that day. They can also easily be added to many of the Power, Oly, or Butts and Guts workout - to make a session all its own!

Add this in wherever makes sense for your schedule - and make sure to check out the daily write up for A, B, and C to see where these workouts fit in best each week!

4-5 Rounds (Not for Time)

10-15 Strict Pull Ups
10-15 Supine Rows
10-15 Pull Overs on Bench
10-15 Single Arm Dumbbell Row Right
10-15 Single Arm Dumbbell Row Left

No real rest between movements. Rest 3 Min between rounds.

RX Men/Women: Choose a weight for the pull overs and rows that you can get at least 10 but over 15 is a stretch.

Score is dumbbell row weight

For the strict pull ups - if you cannot do 10 in 2 sets or less you may do banded strict pull ups or a jump and slow lower!

For the supine rows- you may do these on the rings or a bar in the rack. Either way make sure you are starting with a straight arm and bringing your chest all of the way up to touch.

The more parallel to the ground you are - the more difficult these reps will be.

The pull overs may be done with a bar or a dumbbell - even a plate. Lay across the bench in a position that allows you to open all of the way up with the weight over your head and behind you with a pretty straight arm. Use your lats (your WINGS) to pull the weight back up. Fight wanting to bend at the elbows and use the arms!

For the dumbbell rows you will do one side at a time. Lean against the bench or even a wall for support with your non-working hand. Let the dumbbell hang down in the working arm and then pull it into your ribcage with the elbow going back (not out to the side)!