GYMNASTICS | WEEK 50 | 12/06/2020


On a 5 Min Clock:

Active Bar Hang

*Every time you drop from the bar, complete 20 Shoulder Taps (handstand, pike, plank)

The way this works is you'll do an active hang from the bar for as long as you can. When you drop down, shake it out, complete 20 shoulder taps from whatever position you can do safely, and then hop back up on the bar for another max effort hang. Continue moving back and forth between hanging and tapping until 5 minutes are up!

For the Active Bar Hang, begin hanging from the pull-up bar, with a shoulder width grip (hands will be shoulder width apart). Engage the lats by pulling the shoulders down. There should be sizable space between the tops of your shoulders and your ears. Tighten the core by pulling your belly button into your spine. This will help flatten out the lower back, setting you in a hollowed position. Squeeze the glutes and round the hips under to further engage the core. Keep your legs as tight as possible by squeezing the quads, and pointing your toes.

These shoulder taps begin in a Handstand Hold against the wall, with your back facing the wall. If unable to kick up to a handstand, place your feet on a box and walk your hands under your shoulders into a pike position or do shoulder taps from a plank position.

Keep your belly tight to avoid over extension of your spine. Press your left hand into the ground then lift your right hand off the floor, tap your right shoulder, and return to your normal handstand. Repeat with the other arm.

If touching your shoulder isn't happening try just raising your hand a few inches from the floor and get a feel for the hip shift.

5 Rounds
For Time but also For Quality

16 Alternating Pistols
20 Contralateral Plank Lifts
24 Superman Rocks

The only reason this one is for time is so that you have something to score - so don't blaze through it to get a better time! Move with intention.

A "Pistol" is a single leg squat. Start standing, shift all your weight into one foot and raise the other off the ground in front of you. Reach your butt back while keeping your chest over your ankle. Belly is tight. Lower under control. Be mindful that your knee doesn't cave in at any point. It is TOTALLY normal to have one side that is weaker or less coordinated than the other. If these are new for you, try sitting back to a target. You may also try different strategies - such as holding your foot out front to keep that other leg up if necessary!

If Pistols aren't happening... lateral step offs can be done unweighted or adding a bit of weight as light or as heavy as you are comfortable. You are definitely just TOUCHING with the toe on the ground though and will not PUSH off of that foot at all. For many people, no weight is just fine.

For the Contralateral Plank Lifts, you'll start in a tall plank supported by your hands and toes. Keep the butt, belly, and thighs squeezed tight. Lift opposite arm and leg from the ground and reach out as long as you can through your finger tips and toes, then come back to neutral. Switch sides and repeat. Be sure to continue pressing through the ground with your supporting hand as you lift and reach.

If lifting both a leg and an arm at once is too much, try just an arm or just a leg or simply do a regular plank hold for 30 seconds!

For the Superman Rocks, start lying on your belly with your arms extended overhead and legs straight and squeezed together. Squeeze your belly, butt, and thighs. Lift up and long so that your feet, knees and chest raise up from the ground. Reach your arms back as far as you can then quickly shift them forward and repeat to build a rocking momentum. Keep your thighs squeezed tight. Each time your chest rocks back and forth is 1 rep.