BUTTS & GUTS | WEEK 50 | 12/06/2020


Butts and Guts is posted once a week, on Sundays. These workouts are for anyone who wants more work on the posterior and midline and can be added in whatever day makes most sense for you!

We typically suggest that when you add this workout in to the regular program - or even to one of the other accessory workouts - to treat it as a finisher as opposed to doing it before. You can find suggestions for which workouts the Butts and Guts workouts will fit in with best in the write ups for Program A, B, and C each week!

4 Rounds

20 Reverse Curtsy Lunges with Dumbbells
20 Reverse Lunges into Vertical Jump
20 Eye Level KB/DB Swings

Rest 2 Min between rounds

These aren't necessarily for time, but no rest between movements.

**Even though your time is your score - this is not meant to be done fast. It's just so you have something to record. Don't get sloppy!

Suggested Loading:
Men: 25-50# Dumbbells / 40-55# KB
Women: 15-35# Dumbbells / 15-40# KB

For the reverse curtsy lunges you will step back and across the front leg. See video if confused. Try not to allow the hips to rotate too crazy and keep the front foot facing forward with the heel down. Get a good deep lunge with the butt getting lower than the knee at the bottom. Alternate legs each time. Dumbbells will be held in each hand.

Put the weight down for the reverse lunges into vertical jump. Perform a reverse stepping lunge and then as you stand and drive off of the front foot (heel down) - jump vertically into the air. Bring the back knee up into a bent position as you jump. Alternate legs with each rep.

If unable to perform a jump - just bring the back knee up and stand fully with the working leg.

For the swings you may swing the 2 dumbbells or may pick up a KB. Keep the back flat and the heels down. Arms are long and straight and simply squeeze the butt to stand up. Weight only needs to come to eye level.

4 Rounds
2 Min On
1 Min Off

8 Russian Twists
4 Weighted Sit Ups

Use same weight for both.

Each time is basically a 2 min AMRAP for this.

The Russian twists are with the weight held in both hands, the butt and feet on the ground but the shoulders up. You will twist and touch the weight to the ground on the ground to your side - then the other side. Each time the weight touches counts as a rep (so 4 per side).

For the sit ups you will touch the ground behind you with the weight and sit all of the way up with it bringing it over head!


CURTSY LUNGES - If this movement is uncomfortable for your hips or pelvis you can try subbing a regular lunge or a low lateral step up. You could also sub a single leg supported squat, single leg RDL, or single leg glute bridge.

REVERSE LUNGE INTO VERTICAL JUMP - If you are struggling with SPD you may want to sub a squat jump or heavier, shoulder height KB swing. If you're working on minimizing the impact on your pelvic floor you could skip the jump or even slow the entire movement down to add a little more challenge by increasing the time under tension.

KB SWING - If you notice any coning or pulling in the overhead position of the swing, sub shoulder height or eye level swings and focus on posture and breathing mechanics. If the shape of your body (preggo bellies!) is making the bottom position a little too tight for comfort, you can sub a single arm swing!

RUSSIAN TWISTS - If you are working to manage or heal diastasis and need a modification, consider subbing: Pallof Press, Functional Progression 2, Dumbbell Windmill, Banded Woodchop, Tabletop DB Drag (see Visit Mama Modifications Movement Library on the Members Only Website for demos)

SIT UPS - Sit ups are a really big demand for the core and pelvic floor and for the most part are not recommended during pregnancy and the rehab/rebuilding stages of postpartum. If you are ready to start incorporating them you can try less reps, less range of motion (i.e. with pillows behind you), or supported with a band. However you can always sub one of the following movements: Functional Progressions (Choose any from 1-4), Ball Slams, KB Swings, Overhead Plate Hold/March, DB Windmill, Palloff Press, Banded/Wallball Woodchop, Standing Cross Body Wallball Throws, Goblet Hold/Squat, Waiter Walk (SEE MAMA MODS MOVEMENT LIBRARY FOR DEMOS)