SOGO | WEEK 49 | 11/29/2020


Street Parking Suns Out Guns Out is posted once a week - on Sunday. These workouts are great for those interested in adding in more work building strength and stamina through more isolation type movements in the upper body.

We typically suggest these workouts be added in as more of a "finisher" after the main workout that day. They can also easily be added to many of the Power, Oly, or Butts and Guts workout - to make a session all its own!

Add this in wherever makes sense for your schedule - and make sure to check out the daily write up for A, B, and C to see where these workouts fit in best each week!

4 Rounds Not for Time:

15 Dumbbell Curls Palms Up
15 Dumbbell Hammer Curls
200-ft Out in Front Plate Walk (or 45 Second Hold)
200-ft SUPER Light Barbell Walk and Curl (or 45 Second Curl)
200-ft DB or KB Overhead Walk or Hold

Score is weight used for sets of 15 curls!

Extra credit - at the end of each round - do a set of max reps push ups!!

Try to do the curls sets pretty back to back without resting much between the 2 types of curls. Use same weight for both. You may alternate arms or do both arms at a time.

For the out in front plate walk, hold a plate out in front of you with the elbow bent at 90 degrees and either walk 200' or hold for 45 seconds.

Grab a light barbell (think like 35-45#) do the same 200' walk or 45 seconds, but this time curl as you go - for a ton of reps.

For OH carry - press biceps into ear and keep belly tight. Walk same 200' or hold 45 seconds. Must be done with either a pair or single DB/KB - not a barbell!

If you choose to do the extra credit push ups - you may do regular push ups, knee push ups, or even elevated push ups. Choose a type of push up that you can't just bust out 8 reps. It's ok if you need to break them up a bit.

Start in the plank position with the hands just wider than shoulders and butt and thighs squeezed tight. Make sure the elbows go back - No flaring elbows. Keep the belly tight and avoid worming or snaking. Go all of the way down to touch the chest at the bottom. Press through the heels of your palms to come all of the way up at the top.