GYMNASTICS | WEEK 48 | 11/22/2020


Street Parking Gymnastics is posted once a week - on Sunday. These workouts are for those interested in building more strength, stamina, and skill in the gymnastics movements. Add this in wherever makes sense for your schedule.

Depending on where you are adding this in - it can be great for a warm up - or after the main workout. It also goes well combined with an endurance workout, or often Power, Oly, or Butts and Guts!

EMOM x 6 Min

(On Bar or Rings)

3 Ring or Bar in Rack Rows
3 Low Transitions
3 Jumping Ring or Bar Dips

The idea here is to break the muscle up into its three main parts - the pull up, the sit up, the press up.

Ideally for each movement, the feet should be directly beneath the rings BUT if you need to for the rows, you can step your feet back slightly to make them more accessible.

Make sure to pull your chest all the way up to the rings for the rows and then reach a full elbow lockout at the bottom of each rep.

For the low ring transitions, keep your feet under the rings and lower your body by bending at the knees and allowing them to shoot out over your toes (you may need to lift your heels up to make this happen). Lie back until your elbows lock out and keep a little bend in your hips. Using your feet to press into the ground, squeeze your butt and drive your hips up toward the rings. As your body elevates, pull your chest to the rings as you pull them in towards your sides. As your hands get close to your sternum, sit up hard and fast to "transition" to above the rings. Catch yourself with your chest proud and your shoulders at or just below the tops of the ring, making sure to pull the rings in close to your rib cage. Then lie back into the start position for the next rep.

If you're using a bar in the rack, the same idea applies. Your goal is to "transition" from below the bar to above the bar using your hips and a hard pull + sit up. You may need to jump a little to move above the bar since it won't move like the rings will.

For the jumping dips, you'll start from the last transition rep. With your feet grounded, you'll press into the ground to assist you in completing a press up into elbow lockout. Then lower yourself back down to the top of the rings/bar, touch your feet to the ground, and repeat.

For Time but also For Quality

3 Muscle Ups
30 Toes to Bar
3 Muscle Ups
60 Hollow Rocks
3 Muscle Ups
90-ft Handstand Walk
3 Muscle Ups
60 Supermans
3 Muscle Ups
30 Push Ups
3 Muscle Ups

This one is only for time so that you have something to score. Don't move poorly to get a better score. Just move through it and have fun!

If 3 muscle ups are too many, reduce the reps to 1 or 2. Or only do every other set of muscle ups. If you need a sub for Muscle Ups, do a Low Transition into a Dip - which is basically a jumping ring or bar muscle up! If you're having trouble with that, you can do pull ups or chest to bar pull ups!

Toes to bar starts with you hanging from the bar with hands slightly wider than shoulders, shoulders drawn down away from your ears and arms straight. Think about pushing the bar out in front of you so your shoulders travel back behind the bar as you raise your toes up to touch bar between your hands.

If you don't have a pull up bar, sub with V-Ups.

Or, modify to Knee-Ups, Supine Toe Touches or regular sit-ups if you need to!

For the hollow rocks you will drive your low back into the mat and place your hands above your head and straighten your legs. From here you will rock, keeping your entire spine in contact with the ground by pulling the abs in.

If you cannot hold this position, or have a hard time keeping your back glued to the ground, you may bend the knees more. This would be ideal over not having your back fully on the mat.

If you need a sub for HS walk, you can do 90-ft Bear Crawls or 7 wall walks.

For the supermans, start lying on your belly with your arms extended overhead and legs straight and squeezed together. Squeeze your belly, butt, and thighs. Lift up and long so that your feet, knees and chest raise up from the ground. Then relax back to the ground and repeat.

For the push up, squeeze your butt, your thighs and your belly. No sagging hips or snaking. Keep your elbows within 45 degrees to the body as you lower your chest and thighs to make contact with the floor. Lock the elbows out fully at the top.

You may swap out knee or elevated push ups!