ENDURANCE | WEEK 48 | 11/22/2020


Ready to move for a whole 30 Min??

Street Parking Endurance is posted once a week, on Sunday. It is meant for anyone looking to build a bigger engine through extra work on the rower, bike or running. Add this in wherever makes sense for your schedule.

For the most part we recommend doing the Endurance workout as a stand alone workout in its own session or even its own day. You know your fitness and recovery level - but that is our general suggestion.


Run Version

6 min ON Pace
3 Min Rest Pace
5 min ON Pace
2:30 Rest pace
4 Min ON Pace
2 Min Rest Pace
3 Min ON Pace
1:30 Rest Pace
2 Min ON Pace
1 Min Rest Pace

Score is distance.

DO NOT mess up the paces to get a better score!

RX + - wear a vest if you are into that sort of thing.

Your ON pace should be similar to a pace if you were doing a HARD mile.

Your rest pace, should not be a stop, but just a slower pace that will allow you to recover while still moving.

So, you will be moving the entire 30 minutes!


Row Version

6 min ON Pace
3 Min Rest Pace
5 min ON Pace
2:30 Rest pace
4 Min ON Pace
2 Min Rest Pace
3 Min ON Pace
1:30 Rest Pace
2 Min ON Pace
1 Min Rest Pace

Score is distance.

DO NOT mess up the paces to get a better score!

Your ON pace should be similar to a pace if you were doing a HARD 2k row.

Your rest pace, should not be a stop, but just a slower pace that will allow you to recover while still moving.

So, you will be moving the entire 30 minutes!


Bike Version

6 min ON Pace
3 Min Rest Pace
5 min ON Pace
2:30 Rest pace
4 Min ON Pace
2 Min Rest Pace
3 Min ON Pace
1:30 Rest Pace
2 Min ON Pace
1 Min Rest Pace

Score is total calories.

DO NOT mess up the paces to get a better score!

Your ON pace should be HARD.

Your rest pace, should not be a stop, but just a slower pace that will allow you to recover while still moving.

So, you will be moving the entire 30 minutes!