BUTTS & GUTS | WEEK 48 | 11/22/2020


Butts and Guts is posted once a week, on Sundays. These workouts are for anyone who wants more work on the posterior and midline and can be added in whatever day makes most sense for you!

We typically suggest that when you add this workout in to the regular program - or even to one of the other accessory workouts - to treat it as a finisher as opposed to doing it before. You can find suggestions for which workouts the Butts and Guts workouts will fit in with best in the write ups for Program A, B, and C each week!

4 Rounds
Not For Time

10 Weighted Reverse Lunge Step Up, R
10 Weighted Reverse Lunge Step Up, L
15 Banded Side Steps Moving RIGHT
15 Banded Side Steps Moving LEFT

No Band? No worries. Go into a quarter squat and do the steps in that position while holding a KB/DB in the goblet position.

Use weight that feels right for you and allows you to keep moving. Men try 50-55# and Women around 35#.

For the reverse lunge step ups. You will hold a KB or DB at the chest. You will lunge backward and gently touch the knee to the ground. Then drive out of the heel to step together, then step up on a box or bench (whatever you can find) around 15-20" in height. For the right foot you will step back with the right and then step up with the right.

For both movements focus on driving off of the heel of the front leg or leg on the box.

You will do all 10 reps on one leg before switching to the other.

For the banded side step, you will place a band around the knees or the ankles. Go into a quarter squat - focusing on keeping the knees out and heels down. Step right - bring left foot to right - repeat for 15 reps. Then do 15 in the other direction.

For 8 Minutes (8 Rounds):

20 Seconds of Love Taps
10 Sec Rest
20 Sec Weighted Sit Up
10 Sec Rest

Use 5-20# for weighted sit ups

Love taps are where you sit on the ground with straight legs. You will lift both legs (fighting to keep them straight) up and over something (like a KB). Control the legs and just tap the heels on one side - then the other.

For the weighted sit ups you will touch the plate/dumbbell behind your head sit up and press it over head to lock out!

Score is the weight you use for sit ups


REVERSE LUNGE - If you have any pubic symphysis pain or SPD focus on keeping your pelvis neutral and your hips level. You could always do lighter weight, smaller step/less range of motion, or step up or forward instead of step back in the lunge lunge. You can also try stepping laterally onto a stack of plates or something instead of stepping back or up, sometimes this helps create some control in managing the position of the pelvis. Feel free to sub a squat or goblet squat for the lunges.

BANDED SIDE STEP - This can be a great movement to build posterior chain strength and support your body during pregnancy and postpartum! Feel free to shorten the range of motion with smaller steps.

WEIGHTED SIT UPS - Sit ups are a really big demand for the core and pelvic floor and for the most part are not recommended during pregnancy and the rehab/rebuilding stages of postpartum. If you are ready to start incorporating them you can try less reps, less range of motion (i.e. with pillows behind you), or supported with a band. However you can always sub one of the following movements: Functional Progressions (Choose any from 1-4), Ball Slams, KB Swings, Overhead Plate Hold/March, Palloff Press, Banded/Wallball Woodchop, Standing Cross Body Wallball Throws, Goblet Hold/Squat, Waiter Walk (SEE MAMA MODS MOVEMENT LIBRARY FOR DEMOS)

LOVE TAPS - If you are working to manage or heal diastasis you can try keeping your torso a little more upright, sitting on a chair/box/bench,or a shorter object to move over. You can also sub Pallof Press, Functional Progression 2, Dumbbell Windmill, Banded Woodchop (see Visit Mama Modifications Movement Library on the Members Only Website for demos)