GYMNASTICS | WEEK 46 | 11/08/2020



Every 20 Sec for 8 Min (24 Rounds)

1-2 Toes to Bar

If you have 1 T2B but struggle to string together 2, your goal today should be to fight for that second one. Even if that means just "going for it" but missing.

If you have 2 T2B consistently, your goal is to string together 2 unbroken every round.

Toes to bar starts with you hanging from the bar with hands slightly wider than shoulders, shoulders drawn down away from your ears and arms straight. Think about pushing the bar out in front of you so your shoulders travel back behind the bar as you raise your toes up to touch bar between your hands.

If you don't have a pull up bar, sub with 3-4 V-Ups.

Or, modify to Knee-Ups, Supine Toe Touches or regular sit-ups if you need to!


Get as far as you can in 7 min

2 Burpees
4 Burpees
6 Burpees
8, 8...
10, 10...

Score: Total # of Completed Reps

Goal: 84 reps (Finish the 12s)

If you have Strict HSPU, try starting out with those for the first lower-rep rounds then transition to Kipping in the higher volume rounds and as your breathing and heart rate rise from the burpees.

For the handstand push ups, hands should be slightly wider than shoulder width and about 8-12 inches from the wall. When you lower to the floor, your head should be closer to the wall than your hands. Keep your belly tight to avoid over extension of your spine. You may perform them strict or kipping. Control your descent down and lock out your arms at the top!

Modify this by doing pike presses with your feet on a box.