GYMNASTICS | WEEK 45 | 11/01/2020


7 Min EMOM

3-7 Butterfly Pull Up
Butterfly Pull Up Drill Option

Choose number and option based on your ability right now!

For these you can just do butterfly pull ups if you already rock them! Or you can even do butterfly or kipping chest to bars if you want to work on those.

Other options are one foot on the box practice - see video demo.

Or just practicing the small circles without worrying about getting the chin over the bar - also in video demo.

For Time (but also QUALITY)

20 Total Reps

Wall Walk In
6 Shoulder Taps
Wall Walk Out

Rest as needed between

Try to go about every 30 seconds or so

You will start with the chest and thighs on the ground at the bottom with the feet against the wall. Walk your feet UP the wall and walk your hands back until your chest touches.

From here you will keep the belly tight and squeeze the cheeks. Pick up one hand at a time and tap the shoulder. Each tap = 1 rep. Complete 6 taps.

Then walk the hands back out and feet down. Keep the belly tight and don't allow the hips to sag!

You may scale to knees or feet on box for the whole sequence!

7 Min
30 Seconds on 30 Seconds Off

Weighted or Non Weighted Hollow SWIM!

For this you can hold LIGHT weight (like 2.5 lbs plates) in each hand OR you can do it with no weight.

You will hold a hollow position with your spine pressed against the ground and shoulders lifted. Point the toes and work to keep the legs straight.

See video for exactly how the arms move but basically they move together to make large circles in a swimming type motion.

You may scale to bent knees or even feet on the ground if you need to!

Move SLOW. Quality over quantity here.