ENDURANCE | WEEK 44 | 10/25/2020

200808_SP Workout - Edit9.jpg

Run Version

Run 1 Mile

Rest 1 Min then

4 Rounds
400 Meter Sprint
Rest 1 Min after each Round (including the last one)


Run 1 Mile

Score is total time including rest.

Goal is steady and sustainable pace on the first mile. The 400s should be HARD but not all out (all at a consistent and painful pace). Steady and sustainable pace on second mile - shoot to make the second mile faster than the first.

Run Version (no distance)

Run 8 Min

Rest 1 Min then

4 Rounds
90 Second Sprint
Rest 1 Min after each Round (including last one)


Run 8 Min

Score is distance if you are able to measure it!

Goal is steady and sustainable pace on the first 8min. The 90sec sprints should be HARD but not all out (all at a consistent and painful pace). Steady and sustainable pace on second 8 min - shoot to go further in the second 8 min than the first.


Row Version

Row 2000 Meters

Rest 1 Min then

4 Rounds
500 Meter Sprint
Rest 1 Min after each Round (including the last one)


Row 2000 Meters

Score is total time including rest.

Goal is steady and sustainable pace on the first 2k. The 500s should be HARD but not all out (all at a consistent and painful pace). Steady and sustainable pace on second 2k - shoot to make the second 2k faster than the first.


Bike Version

Bike 100 Cal (Men) /80 Cal (Women)

Rest 1 Min then

4 Rounds
25 Cal Bike (Men) / 22 Cal Bike (Women)
Rest 1 Min after each Round (including the last one)


Bike 100 Cal (Men) / 80 Cal (Women)

Score is total time including rest!

Goal is steady and sustainable pace on 100/80 Cal. The 25/22 Cal should be HARD but not all out on the (all at a consistent and painful pace). Steady and sustainable pace on second 100/80 Cals - shoot to make the second set of 100/80 faster than the first.