BUTTS & GUTS | WEEK 44 | 10/25/2020


4 Rounds
Not for Time

15 Double Dumbbell Sumo RDL (no touch)
10 Dumbbell on Shoulder Split Squat Right
10 Dumbbell on Shoulder Split Squat Left

4 Min Tabata Hollow Hold
On rest hold Superman Position

20 Seconds Hollow Hold
10 Second Superman hold

Repeat for a total of 4 min

Score is weight used for Sumos

On the Dumbbell Sumo Stance RDLs you will stand in a sumo stance with dumbbell heads touching. Perform a stiff legged deadlift (very little knee bend) and on the way back down you will not come all the way to the ground, but will stop about mid shin.

Keep the back flat, chest up and drive through the heels. Squeeze your butt at the top of each rep.

You could also do these with a barbell. We like the dumbbells for this if possible because you can go much lower.

On the split squat, you will make sure you are far enough away from the bench or box - or whatever is elevating your back foot- that you can keep your heel down and get to at or below parallel.

Focus on not allowing that knee to collapse in, but think about pushing it out with the foot straight forward. This time the dumbbells will be resting on the shoulders.

You could also do these with a barbell on the back if necessary.

For the hollow rocks you will drive your low back into the mat and place your hands above your head and straighten your legs. From here you will rock, keeping your entire spine in contact with the ground by pulling the abs in.

If you cannot hold this position, or have a hard time keeping your back glued to the ground, you may bend the knees more. This would be ideal over not having your back fully on the mat.

You will perform the hollow rocks for 20 seconds. Then you will flip over onto your stomach for a superman hold for 10 seconds. Keep switching back and forth for 4 min.


SPLIT SQUATS - If you have any pubic symphysis pain or SPD focus on keeping your pelvis neutral and your hips level. You could always do lighter weight, lower the height for the back leg or modify to a squat, hip thrust, glute bridge. If you can perform the movement pain free but having a hard time with the balance (especially preggo mamas who have a challenge with changing center of gravity!) feel free to keep both feet on the ground for a regular lunge or a split stance Romanian Deadlift.

HOLLOW ROCKS - If you notice coning or doming in the Hollow Body position you can try elevating the legs or bending the knees to manage the pressure in the belly. If this still doesn't help you can sub Functional Progression 1 or Dead Bugs, Functional Progression 3 or Bird Dogs, Overhead plate hold, 90 degree plate hold, Farmer Carry, Waiter Walks, or Windmills (See Mama Modifications Movement Library for Demos)

SUPERMAN - If you're pregnant, newly postpartum, or uncomfortable laying on your belly for any reason, try modifying to Functional Progression 3 or 4 or a variation of bird dog extensions or a bear pose hold/crawl. You could also sub an overhead plate hold or front rack hold.