SATURDAY 09/19/2020

PRE(best before main workout): OLY
POST(best after the main workout): SUNS OUT GUNS OUT
EITHER(can be warm up or finisher): GYMNASTICS
* Indicates the original version of the workout. This means when the workout was programmed, this is the version the coach had in mind. We adapt this workout to fit the other equipment variations. As always, pick a version of the workout that works for you, your schedule, and equipment available.
Total Body Dumbbell Warm Up
Shoulder Warm Up
50 Wall Balls
50 DB Power Cleans
50 Wall Balls
That's it! NBD!!
RX Men: 18-20# Ball / 40# DBs
RX Women: 13-15# Ball / 25# DBs
RX+ Men: Increase Wall Ball Reps to 75 / 50# DBs
RX+ Women: Increase Wall Ball Reps to 75 / 35# DBs
Score: Total Time
Goal: 9-12 Min
Set yourself up for 15-20 wall balls a minute by using either a lighter med ball or lower target. Choose a load on the power cleans you can get all 50 done in 4-5 minutes, that's 10-12 reps a minute. Break them up into smaller manageable sets of 5-15 reps. For smaller sets, take shorter breaks!
For the wall balls hold the ball at your chest with the elbows tucked in. Feet under the shoulders with heels down. Chest up and belly tight! Reach the butt back and down. Keep the heels down. Drive the knees out. Get the butt lower than the knees at the bottom. No plopping or rounding! Use the power from your legs to help throw the ball!
When you catch it. Catch first and then squat.
For the wall balls the ideal target height is roughly 9-10', but whatever you can make work is fine! If you have low ceilings or no ball you can sub lightweight thrusters. We prefer either a single heavy dumbbell (like the video) or 2 light dumbbells/bar.
DB power clean starts with the DBs on the ground just outside your feet, which are positioned hip width apart. Bend your knees and keep your heels down. Allow a slight hinge at the hips, arms straight. Keep your belly tight and your back flat.
Stand up hard and fast. Shrug the shoulders. Pull the elbows high as you pull yourself down. Shoot the elbows around and through FAST to allow the DBs to land on the shoulder with the elbows high. Catch in just a partial front squat with the heels down, knees out, chest up. Stand to complete the rep and then lower the weight back to the ground for the next rep.
Squat Warm Up
Barbell Clean Warm Up
50 Wall Balls
50 Power Cleans
50 Wall Balls
That's it! NBD!!
RX Men: 18-20# Ball / 95#
RX Women: 13-15# Ball / 65#
RX+ Men: Increase Wall Ball Reps to 75 / 115-135#+
RX+ Women: Increase Wall Ball Reps to 75 / 75-95#+
Score: Total Time
Goal: 9-12 Min
Set yourself up for 15-20 wall balls a minute by using either a lighter med ball or lower target. Choose a load on the power cleans you can get all 50 done in 4-5 minutes, that's 10-12 reps a minute. Break them up into smaller manageable sets of 5-15 reps. For smaller sets, take shorter breaks!
For the wall balls hold the ball at your chest with the elbows tucked in. Feet under the shoulders with heels down. Chest up and belly tight! Reach the butt back and down. Keep the heels down. Drive the knees out. Get the butt lower than the knees at the bottom. No plopping or rounding! Use the power from your legs to help throw the ball!
When you catch it. Catch first and then squat.
For the wall balls the ideal target height is roughly 9-10', but whatever you can make work is fine! If you have low ceilings or no ball you can sub lightweight thrusters. We prefer either a single heavy dumbbell (like the video) or 2 light dumbbells/bar.
Power Cleans start with the bar on the ground. Hands will be outside of the legs. Feet under the hips roughly. Knees are bent, bar is close to the body, chest is up, arms are straight. Stand by driving the heels down and lifting the chest. Stand up hard and fast (jump) SHRUG the shoulders. Pull the elbows high and outside to keep the bar close. Shoot the elbows around and through FAST to get the bar on the shoulder with the elbows high. As you shoot the elbows around you will pull yourself under into a partial front squat. Stand fully to complete the movement.
Total Body Dumbbell Warm Up
Shoulder Warm Up
50 Wall Balls
50 Sandbag Power Cleans
50 Wall Balls
That's it! NBD!!
Idea Sandbag Loading:
Men: 50-70#
Women: 25-45#
RX+ Men/Women: 75 Wall Balls Each Time
**Feel like swapping the Wall Balls with Sandbag Thrusters?? Go for it! (We don't recommend doing RX+ reps with that option)
Score: Total Time
Goal: 9-12 Min
Set yourself up for 15-20 wall balls a minute by using either a lighter med ball or lower target. The power cleans should take 4-5 minutes, that's 10-12 reps a minute. Break them up into smaller manageable sets of 5-15 reps. For smaller sets, take shorter breaks!
For the wall balls hold the ball at your chest with the elbows tucked in. Feet under the shoulders with heels down. Chest up and belly tight! Reach the butt back and down. Keep the heels down. Drive the knees out. Get the butt lower than the knees at the bottom. No plopping or rounding! Use the power from your legs to help throw the ball!
When you catch it. Catch first and then squat.
For the wall balls the ideal target height is roughly 9-10', but whatever you can make work is fine! If you have low ceilings or no ball you can sub lightweight thrusters. We prefer either a single heavy dumbbell (like the video) or 2 light dumbbells/bar.
Sandbag Power Cleans start with the SB on the ground. Feet under the hips roughly. Knees are bent, sandbag is close to the body, chest is up, arms are straight. Stand by driving the heels down and lifting the chest. Stand up hard and fast (jump) SHRUG the shoulders. Shoot the elbows around and forward FAST to get the sandbag on the biceps with the elbows high. As you shoot the elbows around you will pull yourself under into a partial front squat. Stand fully to complete the movement.
Total Body Dumbbell Warm Up
Shoulder Warm Up
In Teams of 2 Complete:
50 Wall Balls EACH (working at the same time)
100 Power Cleans COMBINED (one person works at a time)
50 Wall Balls EACH (working at the same time)
RX Men: 18-20# Ball / 40# DBs or 95# Bar
RX Women: 13-15# Ball / 25# DBs or 65# Bar
RX+ Men: Increase Wall Ball Reps to 75 each time / 50# DBs or 115# Bar
RX+ Women: Increase Wall Ball Reps to 75 each time / 35# DBs or 75# Bar
Score: Total Time
Goal: Good Times!
Set yourself up to go about the same pace as your partner by using either a lighter med ball or lower target. Choose a load on the power cleans you and your partner can get all 100 reps done without both of you having to rest at the same time. As soon as your partner breaks, get after it. Break them up into smaller manageable sets of 5-10 reps. For smaller sets, take shorter breaks!
For the wall balls hold the ball at your chest with the elbows tucked in. Feet under the shoulders with heels down. Chest up and belly tight! Reach the butt back and down. Keep the heels down. Drive the knees out. Get the butt lower than the knees at the bottom. No plopping or rounding! Use the power from your legs to help throw the ball!
When you catch it. Catch first and then squat.
For the wall balls the ideal target height is roughly 9-10', but whatever you can make work is fine! If you have low ceilings or no ball you can sub lightweight thrusters. We prefer either a single heavy dumbbell (like the video) or 2 light dumbbells/bar.
DB power clean starts with the DBs on the ground just outside your feet, which are positioned hip width apart. Bend your knees and keep your heels down. Allow a slight hinge at the hips, arms straight. Keep your belly tight and your back flat.
Stand up hard and fast. Shrug the shoulders. Pull the elbows high as you pull yourself down. Shoot the elbows around and through FAST to allow the DBs to land on the shoulder with the elbows high. Catch in just a partial front squat with the heels down, knees out, chest up. Stand to complete the rep and then lower the weight back to the ground for the next rep.
WALL BALL - To focus on managing proper posture, breathing mechanics, core pressurization, and/or joint stability, sub: DB/WB Thruster, Lower Target Wall Ball Toss, Box/Target Supported Squat for Wall Ball
POWER CLEAN - You could try less weight, going from the hang position or starting with the dumbbells between your feet. For pregnant mamas with bellies that interrupt the most efficient path of the bar, be sure to sub DBs for the bar so you are not training inefficient movement patterns.