MONDAY 07/27/2020

The Street Parking Vault is BACK!!!! (This is now Week 4!!)
If you were here for the first go-round and earned all 25 - now is the time to re-test and see if you can improve your scores!
If you were around for SOME of the first round but missed some in the beginning - or maybe just forgot to log somewhere during the series - here is your chance to make up the weeks you missed to earn your shirt!
If you are new to the Vault - here's the info you need to know:
Welcome to the Street Parking Vault.
This is the workout of the day today - but also the FOURTH workout in the 25 weekly workout series - The Street Parking Vault! Perform ANY VERSION (including SHIFT) of this workout and record your score before 5pm PST on Saturday - August 1 to receive credit for participating this week!
The 25 Vault workouts will each come up TWICE per year. Collect a score in the weekly time window for all 25 - and get a can't be bought Street Parking Vault T-Shirt! For more info - check out the Members Only Website!
This workout was posted during the last Vault on: 01/27/2020 and originally on 03/22/2018
PRE(best before main workout): POWER - OLY
POST(best after the main workout): SUNS OUT GUNS OUT
* Indicates the original version of the workout. This means when the workout was programmed, this is the version the coach had in mind. We adapt this workout to fit the other equipment variations. As always, pick a version of the workout that works for you, your schedule, and equipment available.
Full Body Simple Warm Up
Pull Up Warm Up
Street Parking Vault: "DUMBBELL CUATRO" (Time)
10 Dumbbell Lungesters
6 Toes to Bar
9 Dumbbell Lungesters
6 Toes to Bar
8 Dumbbell Lungesters
6 Toes to Bar
7 Dumbbell Lungesters
6 Toes to Bar
6 Dumbbell Lungesters
6 Toes to Bar
5 Dumbbell Lungesters
6 Toes to Bar
4 Dumbbell Lungesters
6 Toes to Bar
3 Dumbbell Lungesters
6 Toes to Bar
2 Dumbbell Lungesters
6 Toes to Bar
1 Dumbbell Lungester
RX Men: 40# DBs
RX Women: 25# DBs
RX+ Men: 50# DBs / 8 Toes to Bar each time
RX+ Women: 35# DBs / 8 Toe to Bar each time
Score: Total Time
Goal: Under 20 Min
Choose a load you could do at least 10 lungesters if you needed to. But you may want to break up the first few rounds into two smaller sets with a short break. Same with the toes to bar to give your grip a break in the later rounds.
Dumbbell Lungesters begin with the dumbbells on the shoulders with the elbows in front. You may perform the lunges portion as reverse stepping or forward stepping. Make sure you take a long enough step that your front heel stays down when your back knee LIGHTLY touches the ground. Don't allow the forward knee to cave in. Keep the belly tight and chest up. You will perform a lunge on each side.
Put the feet at shoulder width apart. Heels down. Dumbbells still at the shoulders with the elbows high. Reach the butt back and down. Keep the heels down and drive the knees out. Keep the chest up and belly tight. Get the butt lower than the knees at the bottom. Drive up hard and fast out of the squat. Pop the dumbbells off of the shoulders. Keep the belly tight and press the dumbbells straight up to lock out - finishing with the biceps by the ears!
If you need to go lighter you could always do a single dumbbell held with both hands.
Another option if you're unable to lunge right now is a step up with each leg followed by a thruster.
Toes to bar starts with you hanging from the bar with hands slightly wider than shoulders, shoulders drawn down away from your ears and arms straight. Think about pushing the bar out in front of you so your shoulders travel back behind the bar as you raise your toes up to touch bar between your hands.
If you don't have a pull up bar, sub with V-Ups.
Or, modify to Knee-Ups, Supine Toe Touches or regular sit-ups if you need to!
Mamas, sub with Russian kettlebell swings or ball slams. See Mama Modifications on Members Only for more options.
Full Body Simple Warm Up
Pull Up Warm Up
Street Parking Vault: "BARBELL CUATRO" (Time)
10 Barbell Lungesters
6 Toes to Bar
9 Barbell Lungesters
6 Toes to Bar
8 Barbell Lungesters
6 Toes to Bar
7 Barbell Lungesters
6 Toes to Bar
6 Barbell Lungesters
6 Toes to Bar
5 Barbell Lungesters
6 Toes to Bar
4 Barbell Lungesters
6 Toes to Bar
3 Barbell Lungesters
6 Toes to Bar
2 Barbell Lungesters
6 Toes to Bar
1 Barbell Lungester
RX Men: 75#
RX Women: 55#
RX+ Men: 95# / 8 Toes to Bar each Time
RX+ Women: 65# / 8 Toes to Bar each Time
Score: Total Time
Goal: Under 20 Min
Choose a load you could do at least 10 lungesters if you needed to. But you may want to break up the first few rounds into two smaller sets with a short break. Same with the toes to bar to give your grip a break in the later rounds.
Barbell Lungesters start with the bar on the shoulders with the elbows in front. You may perform the lunges portion as reverse stepping or forward stepping. Make sure you take a long enough step that your front heel stays down when your back knee LIGHTLY touches the ground. Don't allow the forward knee to cave in. Keep the belly tight and chest up. You will perform a lunge on each side.
Put the feet at shoulder width apart. Heels down. Barbell still at the shoulders with the elbows high. Reach the butt back and down. Keep the heels down and drive the knees out. Keep the chest up and belly tight. Get the butt lower than the knees at the bottom. Drive up hard and fast out of the squat. Pop the barbell off of the shoulders. Move your face out of the way. Keep the belly tight and press the barbell straight up to lock out - finishing with the biceps by the ears! Rib cage down and belly tight.
First option for modifying is to simply go lighter.
Another option if you're unable to lunge right now is a step up with each leg followed by a thruster.
Toes to bar starts with you hanging from the bar with hands slightly wider than shoulders, shoulders drawn down away from your ears and arms straight. Think about pushing the bar out in front of you so your shoulders travel back behind the bar as you raise your toes up to touch bar between your hands.
If you don't have a pull up bar, sub with V-Ups.
Or, modify to Knee-Ups, Supine Toe Touches or regular sit-ups if you need to!
Mamas, sub with Russian kettlebell swings or ball slams. See Mama Modifications on Members Only for more options.
Full Body Simple Warm Up
Pull Up Warm Up
Street Parking Vault: "SANDBAG CUATRO" (Time)
10 Sandbag Lungesters
6 Toes to Bar / Supine Toe Touches
9 Sandbag Lungesters
6 Toes to Bar / Supine Toe Touches
8 Sandbag Lungesters
6 Toes to Bar / Supine Toe Touches
7 Sandbag Lungesters
6 Toes to Bar / Supine Toe Touches
6 Sandbag Lungesters
6 Toes to Bar / Supine Toe Touches
5 Sandbag Lungesters
6 Toes to Bar / Supine Toe Touches
4 Sandbag Lungesters
6 Toes to Bar / Supine Toe Touches
3 Sandbag Lungesters
6 Toes to Bar / Supine Toe Touches
2 Sandbag Lungesters
6 Toes to Bar / Supine Toe Touches
1 Sandbag Lungester
Idea Sandbag Weights:
Men: 50-70#
Women: 25-45#
RX+ Men / Women: 8 Toes to Bar or Supine Toe Touches Each Time
Score: Total Time
Goal: Under 20 Min
Choose a load you could do at least 10 lungesters if you needed to. But you may want to break up the first few rounds into two smaller sets with a short break. Same with the toes to bar to give your grip a break in the later rounds.
Sandbag Lungesters start with the bag on the biceps with the elbows high. You may perform the lunges portion as reverse stepping or forward stepping. Make sure you take a long enough step that your front heel stays down when your back knee LIGHTLY touches the ground. Don't allow the forward knee to cave in. Keep the belly tight and chest up. You will perform a lunge on each side.
Put the feet at shoulder width apart. Heels down. Sandbag still on the biceps with the elbows high. Reach the butt back and down. Keep the heels down and drive the knees out. Keep the chest up and belly tight. Get the butt lower than the knees at the bottom. Drive up hard and fast out of the squat. Pop the sandbag up, move your face out of the way. Keep the belly tight and press the bag straight up to lock out - finishing with the biceps by the ears! Rib cage down and belly tight.
For heavier bags you could just start the descending ladder from 8 rather than 10 reps.
Another option if you're unable to lunge right now is a step up with each leg followed by a thruster. It might feel better to go back racked with the step ups.
Toes to bar starts with you hanging from the bar with hands slightly wider than shoulders, shoulders drawn down away from your ears and arms straight. Think about pushing the bar out in front of you so your shoulders travel back behind the bar as you raise your toes up to touch bar between your hands.
If you don't have a pull up bar, sub with Supine Toe Touches
Or, modify to Knee-Ups, V-Ups or regular sit-ups if you need to!
Mamas, sub with Russian kettlebell swings or ball slams. See Mama Modifications on Members Only for more options.
LUNGESTERS - If you have any pubic symphysis pain or SPD focus on keeping your pelvis neutral and your hips level. You could always do lighter weight, smaller step/less range of motion, or step up or forward instead of step back in the lunge lunge. You can also try stepping laterally onto a stack of plates or something instead of stepping back or up, sometimes this helps create some control in managing the position of the pelvis. Option to sub: Thrusters, Weighted Step Ups, Weighted Lateral Step Ups, Lunge + Lunge + Air Squat, Goblet/DB Squat
TOES TO BAR - This movement and its scaled version of Knee Raises or V-Ups puts A LOT of pressure on the core and pelvic floor. Please consider risk vs. reward when deciding if this movement is right for you. If you feel confident with your core and pelvic floor health you can always try fewer reps to notice and manage any symptoms. You can also SUB: Functional Progressions (Choose any from 1-4), Ball Slams, KB Swings, Overhead Plate Hold/March, Pallof Press, Banded/Wallball Woodchop, Standing Cross Body Wallball Throws, Goblet Hold/Squat, or Waiter Walks. See MAMA MODS MOVEMENT LIBRARY FOR DEMOS.
SIT UPS - Sit ups are a really big demand for the core and pelvic floor and for the most part are not recommended during pregnancy and the rehab/rebuilding stages of postpartum. If you are ready to start incorporating them you can try less reps, less range of motion (i.e. with pillows behind you), or supported with a band. However you can always sub one of the following movements: Functional Progressions (Choose any from 1-4), Ball Slams, KB Swings, Overhead Plate Hold/March, Palloff Press, Banded/Wallball Woodchop, Standing Cross Body Wallball Throws, Goblet Hold/Squat, Waiter Walk (SEE MAMA MODS MOVEMENT LIBRARY FOR DEMOS)