FRIDAY 07/24/2020

POST(best after the main workout): SUNS OUT GUNS OUT - BUTTS AND GUTS
EITHER(can be warm up or finisher): GYMNASTICS
SWAP(skip the main workout and do one of these instead): SANDBAG
* Indicates the original version of the workout. This means when the workout was programmed, this is the version the coach had in mind. We adapt this workout to fit the other equipment variations. As always, pick a version of the workout that works for you, your schedule, and equipment available.
Total Body Dumbbell Warm Up
For Time
30 DB Strict Press
15 DB Bear Complex Reps
30 Push Up + Tap + Tap
15 DB Bear Complex Reps
30 Push Ups
15 DB Bear Complex Reps
DB Bear Complex is actually just a Squat Clean + 2 Thrusters basically!
RX Men: 40# DBs
RX Women: 25# DBs
RX+ Men: 50# DBs / 40 of each pressing movement + 20 Bear Complex each time
RX+ Women: 35# DBs / 40 of each pressing movement + 20 Bear Complex each time
Score: Total Time
Goal: 12-18 Min
This is a shoulder SMOKER! Break up the reps early and definitely don't try to go big in the first set of shoulder presses.
Choose a load that you can complete at least 5 bear complexes per minute the whole way. Each round of pressing/push-ups should be about 2 minutes or less.
Set up for the shoulder press with the DBs on the shoulders with elbows high. Keep the rib cage down and belly tight. Press straight up until your elbows are locked out with biceps by the ears. Bring the dumbbells all the way down to the shoulders each time.
For the bear complex, do not RUSH through these reps. Get set up well for the clean. Keep the back flat and focus on a great clean.
Break it up further into a power clean + front squat into the first thruster.
For the thruster, make sure the DBs are on the shoulders, heels are down, knees are out. Keep your chest up and belly tight. Feed the press with the drive from the legs.
For the push up plus taps we want to see a rigid body position with shoulders above or beyond the wrists and hands just wider than shoulder width. Squeeze your butt, your thighs and your belly. No sagging hips or snaking.
Keep your elbows within 45 degrees to the body as you lower your chest and thighs to make contact with the floor. Stay engaged. Press back up to the the top until arms are totally straight. Then tap your left shoulder with your right hand and your right shoulder with your left hand.
If you need to lower to your knees for the push ups go for it. Go back to your toes for the taps if you can.
For the push ups in the final round, just take out the taps!
Total Body Dumbbell Warm Up
For Time
30 Strict/Shoulder Press
15 Bear Complex Reps
30 Push Up + Tap + Tap
15 Bear Complex Reps
30 Push Ups
15 Bear Complex Reps
Barbell Bear Complex = Power Clean + Front Squat into a Thruster + Back Squat into a Thruster
Using a squat clean instead of a power clean + thruster is also ok.
RX Men: 75#
RX Women: 55#
RX+ Men: 95-115# / 40 of each pressing movement + 20 Bear Complex each time
RX+ Women: 65-75# / 40 of each pressing movement + 20 Bear Complex each time
Score: Total Time
Goal: 12-18 Min
Break up the reps early! Definitely don't try to go big on the shoulder presses.
Bear complexes should take less than 3 minutes each time. Keep it safe, wear a shirt, and bend your knees to absorb the bar on your back rack.
Shoulder press starts with the bar on your shoulders, full grip with elbows in front. Feet are hip to shoulder width apart. Squeeze your butt, your quads and your belly. Keep your chest up, ribcage down. Press the bar straight up so you have to pull your face out of the way to clear a path. Finish with arms locked out overhead, biceps by the ears.
To lower, move your face out of the way and keep your elbows in front of the bar.
For the bear complex, you can do it as described above or even just a squat clean into two thrusters.
Do not RUSH through these reps. Get set up well for the clean. Keep the back flat and focus on a great clean (either version).
On the thruster, make sure the bar is on the shoulders, heels are down, knees are out. Feed the press with the drive from the legs.
When lowering onto the back. Wear a shirt so the bar doesn't slip - BE CAREFUL and absorb the catch with the knees! Then make sure you are reset before squatting.
For the push up plus taps we want to see a rigid body position with shoulders above or beyond the wrists and hands just wider than shoulder width. Squeeze your butt, your thighs and your belly. No sagging hips or snaking.
Keep your elbows within 45 degrees to the body as you lower your chest and thighs to make contact with the floor. Stay engaged. Press back up to the the top until arms are totally straight. Then tap your left shoulder with your right hand and your right shoulder with your left hand.
If you need to lower to your knees for the push ups go for it. Go back to your toes for the taps if you can.
For the push ups in the final round, just take out the taps!
Total Body Dumbbell Warm Up
For Time
30 Sandbag Seated Strict Press
15 Sandbag Bear Complex Reps
30 Push Up + Tap + Tap
15 Sandbag Bear Complex Reps
30 Push Ups
15 Sandbag Bear Complex Reps
Sandbag Bear Complex = Power Clean + Front Squat into a Thruster + Back Squat into a Thruster
Can also do a squat clean into the thruster if they would prefer that!
Suggested Sandbag Loading:
Men: 50-70#
Women: 25-45#
RX+ Men/Women: 40 of each pressing movement + 20 Bear Complex each time
Score: Total Time
Goal: 12-18 Min
This is a shoulder SMOKER! Break up the reps early and definitely don't try to go big in the first set of shoulder presses.
Choose a load (if possible) that you can complete at least 5 bear complexes per minute the whole way. Each round of pressing/push-ups should be about 2 minutes or less.
For the seated press, sit up tall with a neutral spine. Chest up, ribcage down. Start with the bag on your shoulders/biceps, elbows high. Keep your belly tight as you press the bag straight up overhead. Lock out your arms at the top with biceps by the ears.
For the bear complex, you have a few options:
- Squat Clean
- Thruster
- Back Squat
- Back Rack Thruster
- Power Clean
- Front Squat
- Push Press or Jerk
- Back Squat
- Push Press or Jerk
Do not RUSH through these reps. Get set up well for the clean. Keep the back flat and focus on a great clean (either version).
If you are doing a thruster, make sure the sandbag is on the shoulders, heels are down, knees are out. Feed the press with the drive from the legs.
When lowering onto the back - BE CAREFUL and absorb the catch with the knees! Then make sure you reset before squatting.
For the push up plus taps we want to see a rigid body position with shoulders above or beyond the wrists and hands just wider than shoulder width. Squeeze your butt, your thighs and your belly. No sagging hips or snaking.
Keep your elbows within 45 degrees to the body as you lower your chest and thighs to make contact with the floor. Stay engaged. Press back up to the the top until arms are totally straight. Then tap your left shoulder with your right hand and your right shoulder with your left hand.
If you need to lower to your knees for the push ups go for it. Go back to your toes for the taps if you can.
For the push ups in the final round, just take out the taps.
PRESS - Focus on proper alignment of your pelvis and spine. If you find yourself over extending in your back or coning in your belly sub less weight, Strict Press, Seated Strict Press, or even Front Raises.
PUSH UPS - If you notice coning/doming in the plank position or if you find yourself straining to breathe or bearing down forcefully into your belly or pelvic floor, sub an elevated push up with hands on box, bench, wall, table, etc. or sub floor press, or bench press.
BEAR COMPLEX - If you have a hard time maintaining control and a stable midline in the bottom of the squat or if you find yourself bearing down to get out of the bottom, try subbing a target or assisted squat to shorten the range of motion. A box squat is always a great idea especially during pregnancy to strengthen the posterior chain and balance out the growing belly. You may also want to sub going from the Hang position or using Dumbbells if you need to make room for your growing belly.