SANDBAG | WEEK 29 | 07/12/2020


16 Side to Side Shoulder to Overhead
8 Bent Over Slam
100m Suitcase Walk (Switch at 50m)

Idea Sandbag Loading:
Men: 50-70#
Women: 25-45#

Score: Total Completed Rounds + Any Additional Reps
Goal: 4-5 Rounds +

You are shooting for sub 3 minute rounds here but a lot of it will come down to how heavy your sandbag is. Just make sure you choose a variation on the movements that you can keep moving and keep rest to a minimum.

For the side to side shoulder to overhead, (we recommend a push press) you will have your sandbag on one shoulder. Feet are between hip and shoulder width apart. Chest up. Belly tight. Dip keeping the heels down and allowing the knees to come forward. Reach the hips back slightly but keep the chest lifted.

Stand up hard and fast. Pop the sandbag off of the shoulder and finish with a press straight to lock out. Biceps by the ears. Standing tall. Locked out elbows. Belly tight. Lower the bag down onto the opposite shoulder. Each time you press counts as one rep. So 16 reps is 8 on each side.

For the bent over slams, set up with your feet shoulder with apart. Push your hips back, chest up slightly, belly tight and back is flat. Take a neutral grip or no-handle grip on the bag. You will maintain a hinged position as you pull the bag to your chest. Keep your belly tight as you aggressively extend your arms toward the floor and slam the bag back to the ground. The power comes from the speed at which you can push the bag away from you. So keep your base tight and think FAST with the arms.

The suitcase carry is like a one handed farmer carry. Hold the back by the center handle in one hand and walk. Switch hands at the halfway point to head back.

Make sure you stand up tall and don't lean to one side. If your bag doesn't have handles or is dragging on the ground, switch to a bear hug carry!