OLY | WEEK 28 | 07/05/2020



5 Empty Barbell Muscle Snatch
5 Behind the Neck Snatch Grip Press
5 Snatch Balance

Focus on GOOD movement - this is not for time AT ALL!

The main thing to focus on for the muscle snatch is to stand up fast and hard then a FAST turn over to get the bar locked out over your head. No rebend of the knees!

Behind the neck press focus on keeping the ribs pulled down and getting the armpits forward in the locked out position.

For the snatch balance you will dip slightly with the bar on your back, stand fast and then press the bar up as you press yourself down into a solid overhead squat position.


Snatch Pull + Hang Snatch (7 x 2 (2 = pull + snatch))
Snatch Pull from the ground + full snatch from the hang

Enter heaviest weight as score.

The purpose of this complex is to get you really focused on holding good positions off of the ground but also finishing with the hips before the pull under.

For the snatch pull you will start with a wide grip - bar on the ground. Heels down, back flat, chest up, arms straight. Drive the knees back as the chest comes up and the bar stays close to the body. Once past the knees you will finish with a strong UP (pretty much a jump) and shrug with straight arms. Arms may bend slightly as a follow through - but it is not a focus.

From here you will lower the bar back down to the hang at the waist. You will dip slightly - keeping heels down and arms straight. Jump up - shrug - pull yourself under into a solid overhead squat position. The armpits should be forward, elbows locked with the bar over the middle of the body. Heels down, knees out, chest up!

Stand to finish.

Snatch Grip Deadlift (5 x 3 Tempo 1-1-3-1)
The snatch grip deadlift should be done heavier than you can actually snatch for this exercise. Use at least 100% - 105% of your best ever snatch.

The 1-1-3-1 tempo means that you will take 3 seconds to come up, pause at the top for 1 second, lower for 1 second (don't just freefall!) and pause at the bottom to re-set for each rep.

Focus is on keeping the bar close with heels down!