SANDBAG | WEEK 25 | 06/14/2020


AMRAP 20 Min
(As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 20 Min)

200 M run
15 Bent over Slams
10 Sandbag Sit ups

RX Men 50-70#
RX Women 30-50#

Score: Total Number of Completed Rounds + Any Additional Reps
Goal Time: 7+ Rounds

The run should take roughly 1 min. If you are unable to run for space or weather reasons you may sub 1 min of double or single unders, or even just a low step up.

For the bent over slam you will have your feet roughly hip width with the heels down. Bag should be as close to your body as possible. You should be in a deadlift set up with the butt back and knees bent slightly. Keep the belly tight and chest up.

Deadlift the bag to the middle of the shins. Then from that position pull the elbows back bringing the bag to the chest/belly. Once you pull it all of the way up - SLAM it down to the ground hard. You throw it by pressing it down almost like a push up or bench press. That is one rep.

For the sit ups you will hold the bag at the chest. You may do whatever you like with your feet. We would like your shoulders to touch the ground at the bottom each time and for you to sit all of the way up with your bag. If your bag is too heavy you may choose a lighter object for that portion.

Unable to do sit ups at this time? You may choose to do sandbag squats.